Here are some ads with animals

Here are some ads with animals:

Bug funeral

Bug Funeral Ad

Cat Food Ad

Glassex Cleaner Ad

Brandt Refrigerator Ad

Some smart ads with shadows:

Star Wars Shadow Ad

Jeep Shadow Ad

Ads with knifes:


WMF Knife Ad

Shampoo for strengthening your hair

Shampoo Knife Ad

Some good Sony Ads

Sony Widescreen

Sony Vault CDs Ad

Sony Vault Files Ad

Sony Vaio Lightweight Ad

Sony Playstation Ad

Ads for food and drinks:

Heinz Ketchup Ad

Heinz Ketchup Hot Ad

Hot Sauce Ad

Really big burgers at Burger King

Burger King Plast Ad

Burger King Late Night Ad

Pepsi Twist Ad

Perrier Ad

Iced Strong Coffee Ad

Nescafe Ad

Between heaven and hell


Carlsberg Bottles Ad

Batteries with Power:

Panasonic Battery Ad

Duracell Ad

Smart car commercials:

Citroen Ad

Volkswagen Ad

BMW Car of the World Ad

Smart Ad

Pretty big car

Mercedes Van Ad

And some other great commercials:

For example against bad breath

Mundwasser Ad

Clorets Ad

Axe Effect Ad

ATT India Ad

Telefonica Scotland Japan Ad

Telefonica Sweden Turkey Ad

Australian Post Ad

Comedy Central, not one minute without comedy

Comedy Central Funeral Ad

Comedy Central Rollstuhl Ad

Eurostar London Lovers Ad

Foot Odor Ad

Hansaplast Ad

HP Printer Ad

Orion Telescope

A camera with a damn good wide-angle lens

Panasonic Lumix Ad

Puma Website Ad

Rolling Stones Magazine Ad

Rubiks Ad

Russian Opera Ad

A really quiet vacuum cleaner

Siemens Vacuum Cleaner

Sunmilk – unforgettable hair

Sunmilk Ad

Welt Kompakt

A Wonderbra draws attention

Wonderbra Ad

Oh my God, England was never so cheap!

Lufthansa Ad

Alright guys, that’s it for today.

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