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مکالمه در مورد احساس عصبانیت به زبان انگلیسی

مکالمه در مورد احساس عصبانیت به زبان انگلیسی


number 1

فایل صوتی


Different people react in different ways when they are angry. In this lesson, we will look at a variety of sentences people use when they are angry. When someone is angry in the real world, they use a lot of profanity or curse words. Because of this fact, this lesson will contain bad words.

There are many ways a person can get angry. Let’s first look at the situation where it involved a different person.

راه های مختلفی برای بیان عصبانیت وجود دارد که در افراد مختلف متفاوت است ابتدا توجه شما را به مواردی جلب

می کنیم که باعث عصبانیت افراد می شود

“I’m so pissed. Roger just stabbed me in the back.”
“When I see Roger, I’m going to kick his ass.”
“What was he thinking! I thought we were friends too.”

“I don’t know what I’m going to do when I see him. I found out that he’s been sleeping with my girlfriend.”

“I’m going to break his fucking neck. He’s been cheating on my sister for six months now.”

“Matt is dating my ex-girlfriend. I’m pretty upset about that. He knows I still have feelings for her.”

“Whenever I think about him, I get pissed. He treats his friends like crap.”

“I can’t believe he was talking behind my back. Whenever he talks to me, he acts like we’re close friends.”

“Matt borrowed my car and put a dent in it. He claims he didn’t do it. I’m never trusting him again.”

“I told Scott a secret and made sure he never tells anyone. The next week, I heard it from three different people. I was so pissed.”

number 2


وقتی کسی عصبانی است کاری که شما می توانید انجام بدهید این است که سعی کنید او را درک کنید

فایل صوتی

“I can’t believe that happened. I’d be so pissed.”
“I know how you feel. I was so angry when that happened to me.”
“I can’t imagine how angry you must feel. That has never happened to me.”
“If that happened to me, I’d get revenge.”
“What are you going to do to get him back?”

“Are you serious? That is so fucked up. What was he thinking?”
“That totally sucks, but I’m not surprised. I always knew he was a back stabber.”
“The best thing to do is stop being his friend. He doesn’t deserve to have any friends.”


number 3

https://media.salamzaban.com/sites/repo/audio/conversation/subjective/feelings/14-3 – Anger – Confronting.mp3

فایل صوتی

وقتی کسی شما را عصبانی می کند معمولا کنترل خود را از دست می دهید و جملاتی را می گویید

بعضی از این عبارت ها از این قرارند

Anger – Confronting

When you are talking to the person that made you angry, it is common to lose control and say a lot of things. Here are some common sentences.

“I thought you were a friend. I had so much trust in you. I can’t believe you did this to me.”
“What were you thinking when you stabbed me in the back. Did it feel good?”
“Why’d you do it?”

“You know I still have feelings for Mandy. You didn’t even consider my feelings. What? Am I not a friend or something?”

“You’re not the only one hurting for money. You owe me five hundred dollars. I need it now.”
“You didn’t have to tell my parents that I owed you money. I said I would pay you back when I got my paycheck. I can’t believe you would do this.”

Sentences you can ask or say if you feel a friend is angry with you

جملاتی که می توانید از دوستتان بپرسید وقتی در مورد شما احساس عصبانیت می کند

“Are you mad at me?”
“Are you angry?”
“You’re not disappointed are you?”

“Don’t be angry with me. I really didn’t mean it.”
“I didn’t know you were involved. I hope you’re not mad at me.”
“I really didn’t know it was going to make you upset.”


number 4


فایل صوتی

Anger – Other

If you make good friends, you can avoid these types of scenarios. However, there are times when the situation was out of your control. For example, a friend of mine had to landscape his back yard for his house, so he called a company to delivery a lot of top soil. As the driver was driving back to the house, he hit my friends house and damaged a pipeline. The driver claimed it wasn’t his fault and said he wouldn’t pay for the damages. When things like this happen, we use the court system to get payment. But my friend was so angry because they were not accepting fault. Here are some of the things I heard.

عبارات دیگری که ممکن است بشنوید

“I’m so f**king pissed. I’m going to slash his tires and make him pay.”
“I was so pissed for a couple of weeks. During that time, I thought of twenty different ways I could hurt his business.”
“I’m going to screw with him so much.”

In the end, everything worked out. They went to court and my friend won.

There are a couple of other emotions that are similar to being angry. I’ll cover some of them here.

“I’m so frustrated.”
“It’s so frustrating working with him.”
“I was so frustrated, I stopped caring about the outcome.”
“He gets frustrated pretty easily.”
“It’s easy to get frustrated when things are not fair.”

“I’m not really mad, just a little disappointed.”
“That really hurt me. I’m so disappointed.”
“I’m really disappointed in you. I didn’t know you could stoop to that level.

In boxing, a low blow is a hit below the belt that is considered unfair. The term low blow became widely used when someone did something unfair. Here are some sentences to give you an idea.

“That was low.”
“I can’t believe Jackie would do something so low.”

low = انجام کاری که منصفانه نیست

Now that we know what low means, stooping to that level means to do something that is low. You are basically lowering yourself to perform a bad or unfair task. salamzaban.com

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