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سوال برای گرفتن آدرس یا نشانی به زبان انگلیسی

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سوال برای گرفتن آدرس یا نشانی به زبان انگلیسی

فایل صوتی مکالمه انگلیسی

لطفا یک بار فایل صوتی را گوش دهید پس از آن فایل را همراه متن مکالمه گوش نمایید

Number 1

معنی فارسیش کو؟
دانلود فایل

When you are looking for something, it is sometimes easier to ask for directions. When you do, you have to be able to listen to the directions given. In this lesson, we will study listening a little more so you can effectively understand a person giving you directions.

Here are some key words you have to remember. I suggest you drill these in your head because they are very commonly used when giving directions. There are many direction terminologies. I’ll cover all the common phrases. You should be able to effectively give directions and receive directions after this lesson.

Asking for Directions

Most of the time, you should start by saying excuse me. The pronunciation for excuse me can be shortened. The shortened form sounds like ‘scuse me.’


“Excuse me. Do you know where the post office is?”
“Excuse me. Can you point me to the nearest gas station?”
“Excuse me. Can you give me quick directions to the movie theatre?”
“Excuse me. Do you know how to get to the Shopping mall from here?”
“Excuse me. How do I get to the freeway from here?”

“Excuse me. I’m looking for Bank of America. I thought it was around here. Do you know where it is?”
“Excuse me. I’m looking for the post office. Do you know how to get there?”

“Excuse me. What is the best way to get to Seattle?”

When you ask for directions, the person responding will usually give you quick directions. The next section is a list of common phrases used when giving directions. You should study them carefully so when someone gives you directions, you can understand them without having to say ‘one more time.’

Number 2

دانلود فایل

جواب ها

Take a Left/Right

“Take a left at the next light.”
“Take a right at the gas station.”
“When you get to Robson Street, take a left.”
“After you pass 7-11, take a right at the next light.”
“Take a left when you come to a stop sign.”

Turn Left/Right

“Turn right on 112th.”
“Turn left after you pass McDonalds.”
“When you see a church on your left hand side, turn right on the next street.”
“Turn left at the next street and immediately take another left.”

Just/Right around the corner

“It’s just right around the corner on the left side.”
“It’s right around the corner from the Starbucks over there.”
“Go down the street, turn left on Williams Street, and it will be right around the corner from the gas station.”

Number 3

Go for five blocks/After three blocks

دانلود فایل

“After you turn right, go for five blocks and turn left. It will be right around the corner.”
“After three blocks, turn left. You will see it on your right hand side.”
“Go for four blocks and then turn right.”

Across the street from/Directly across

“It’s across the street from the library.”
“It’s directly across from Taco Bell.”
“Go for three blocks, turn left at the next light. You’ll see it across the street from McDonalds.”
“Go down the street. You’ll see it directly across from the gas station.”

Go for 2 miles

“It’s pretty far from here. Go on Washington Street for about 2 miles. You’ll see it next to a school.”
“Turn right at the stop sign and go straight for a couple of miles. At 112th turn left. You’ll see it on your right hand side.”
“Go straight on this street for about 3 miles. You’ll see it next to Wendy’s.”

Number 4

On the third light

دانلود فایل

“Go down this street, after you pass two stop lights, turn right on the third light. You’ll see it right around the corner.”
“Head down Madison Street and on the fourth light, turn left. You should see it immediately.”
“Turn right on Jackson. Keep going straight for three lights. When you see Burger King, turn left. It’s right there.”

The ‘Y’

است منظور دو راهی است “Y” یک خیابانی است که که به دو قسمت تقسیم میشود. خیابان شبیه حرف “Y”

“Keep going down this street. Stay on the left side when you reach the ‘Y’. At the next light, turn right.”

“Take a left on Jackson. At the ‘Y’ go to the right. It will be on your left hand side about a mile down that street.”

“Go for about three miles on this street. At the ‘Y’ go to the left. You’ll see a blue house on your right. It’s right after that house.”

Number 5

The ‘T’

دانلود فایل

A ‘T’ intersection is a three way intersection. You can either go left or right. The street is shaped like the letter ‘T’ so people call it a ‘T’. Sometimes they don’t call it a ‘T’. Other names for a ‘T’ intersection you might hear are more descriptive. Here is a list.

تقاطع T یک تقاطع سه راهی است که شما می توانید هم به چپ و هم به راست بروید. چون خیابان شبیه حرف T است مردم آن را تقاطع T می نامند بعضی وقت ها هم ان را تقاطع T نمی نامند اسامی دیگر ی که برای یک سه راهی ممکن است بشنوید توصیفی تر وطولانی تر است

این ها چند نمونه است

‘When the road ends…’
‘When you can’t go anymore…’
‘Three way intersection…’

“در انتهای جاده…”
“وقتی دیگر نمی توانید مستقیم بروید…”
“سه راه(ی) …”

“At the ‘T’ intersection, turn right. It is just around the corner.”

“When you pass a gas station, you will come up to a ‘T’. Take a left, and then an immediate right.”

“Go down this road until it ends. Turn left at the ‘T’ and you will see the gas station on your right.”

Dead end

این یک لغت مربوط به جهت نیست، بن بست (dead end) راهی است که فقط یک ورودی دارد. به این معنا که تنها راه خروج همان راهی است که از آن وارد شدید. همه بن بست ها یک تابلو راهنما با لغت “بن بست” (Dead End) دارند.

“Turn right on 117th. It’s a dead end. We are on the right hand side at the end of the street.”

“There are three places to turn right. The second one is a dead end so make sure you don’t go in there.”

“I live in a dead end street. It’s nice because there isn’t much traffic.”

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