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مکالمه در مورد زندگی زناشویی به زبان انگلیسی

  • از

مکالمه در مورد زندگی زناشویی به زبان انگلیسی

Number 1

دانلود فایل

A: “Hey Jane. How are you doing these days?”
B: “Hi Martha. Everything is perfect.”
A: “Are you enjoying married life?”
B: “It couldn’t be better. My husband is so supportive with my work and he helps around the house so much.”
A: “You’re so lucky. I hope to get married to a guy like that.”
B: “I’m so happy. Even though we are both working, we get to spend a lot of time with each other in the evening and on the weekends.”

A: “Do you guys do anything special?”
B: “In the evening, we just sit and talk over dinner. But on the weekend, we try to go out to the beach or hit a nice restaurant, or go to a nice café.”
A: “Sound like everything is great.”

Number 2

دانلود فایل

A: “Hey Stacy. What’s going on?”
B: “I’m pretty tired these days.”
A: “Why? You’re not working so don’t you have a lot of time on your hands?”
B: “I have so much house work to do. I have to take care of the kids, cook, clean, laundry, and the cycle never ends.”
A: “How about your husband. Does he help much?”
B: “Not at all. He comes home and complains about his hard day at work. He expects me to do everything. He even wants me to feed him sometimes. Can you believe that?”
A: “That sucks.”

B: “If he wasn’t so lazy, I think I wouldn’t have any complaints. He mows the lawn, but can you believe he tried to convince me to do it?”
A: “That’s crossing the line.”
B: “Oh well. I’ll have to live with it. What else can I do?”

Number 3

دانلود فایل

A: “Hey Stephanie. Guess what?”
B: “What?”
A: “Robert asked me to marry him. We’re getting married.”
B: “Congratulations. I’m so happy for you. So when is the big day?”
A: “We haven’t set the date exactly, but it looks like it will be sometime in July.”
B: “How did he propose to you?”
A: “On valentines day, he got me a present. I thought it was an ordinary valentines day present, but when I opened it, it was this big diamond ring. Right then, he got on his knees and proposed.”

B: “That’s so neat. So you really got surprised?”
A: “We talked about marriage a little, but I never knew he was serious.”
B: “You are going to be busy with wedding plans. But you have several months to prepare for it.”
A: “It’s going to be pretty hectic for me. So I’m going to need some help. First of all, I was wondering if you would like to be my Maid of Honor.”
B: “I would be honored.”
A: “So you’re going to help me with the planning right?”
B: “Of course. How many brides maids are you going to have?”
A: “Three. So we will have a total of four.”

B: “Let me guess. Susan, Tina, and Cindy.”
A: “Close. I’m going to have Cindy as the candle lighter. The third brides maid is going to be Lydia. She is a good friend from church.”
B: “I know her. She’s sweet. I’ll make sure we have the best wedding for you.”
A: “I hope so. I appreciate your help.”

Number 4

دانلود فایل

A: “Wow Billy. Looks like you lost a lot of weight. I could hardly recognize you.”
B: “Thanks. I’ve been on a diet for about 6 months. I’m going to ask Rachel to marry me soon and I want to be mentally and physically healthy.”
A: “What does being overweight have anything to do with marriage? If you love each other, that’s enough right?”
B: “Yeah, but I want to show her how much she means to me, and this is one way of proving it. I used to be a lazy bastard, and I am changing for the better.”
A: “Good for you. Hey, when do you plan on proposing to her?”
B: “I think I am going to propose to her on our 2 year anniversary.”

A: “Is she expecting it, or will it be a surprise?”
B: “I think she expects me to ask her one of these days, but not anytime soon.”
A: “You sure you want to settle down already? You’re only 25 years old?”
B: “Yeah, I didn’t think I would get married until I was 30, but when you know she is the one, why wait.”
A: “That’s true. Hey, I hope everything works out. You’re going to invite me to your wedding right?”
B: “Of course man.”

A: “Gosh, I’m still shocked how much weight you lost. You’re getting real skinny now.”
B: “I am working on a six pack now. I have two lines starting to show up. I’ve been spending a lot of time at the gym. It is hard work, but I feel so good after working out.”

A: “Where do you work out?”
B: “I have a membership at Bally’s. It’s not too expensive and I like all the equipment they have.”
A: “I’ve been thinking about joining a gym. Are they having any specials right now?”
B: “Yeah, they do. They have free enrollment and first month free. You should come by. I’ll show you around. I can take in a guest so you can try it out before signing up.”
A: “That sounds good. Let’s go this Saturday.”
B: “Cool. I’ll call you in the morning.”