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خانه » مکالمه در مورد نامزد کردن به زبان انگلیسی

مکالمه در مورد نامزد کردن به زبان انگلیسی

  • از

مکالمه در مورد نامزد کردن به زبان انگلیسی

number 1

دانلود فایل

A: “Hey Jack. What’s going on?”
B: “Hey Matt. I’m going to ask Martha to marry me?”
A: “Really? When did you decide this?”
B: “I always knew she was the one, but I decided to pop the big question about 2 weeks ago. I’m just debating on how to do it.”
A: “That’s exciting man.”
B: “So how did you propose?”
A: “You shouldn’t use my example. It wasn’t special. I kind of wish I made it more special but it’s too late now.”
B: “What do you think I should do?”
A: “There are a lot of options. You can surprise her over dinner, or ask her in a public area, or if you have the balls, ask her father in front of her.”
B: “I never thought about that.”
A: “Thought about what?”
B: “Asking her father in front of her. How do you think she will react?”
A: “I don’t know. You should know how she’s going to react. She is your girlfriend.”
B: “I think that’s the idea I was looking for. Thanks man.”
A: “Don’t mention it. Good luck. You’re going to need it.”

number 2

دانلود فایل

A: “Hey Sarah. How are you doing?”
B: “I’m doing great. How about you Jessica?”
A: “Nothing new. You look happy though. Something special happen recently?”
B: “Yeah. I got engaged last week.”
A: “Really? No way. I’m so happy for you. Congratulations.”
B: “Thanks.”
A: “So tell me all about it? How did he propose to you?”
B: “He took me to a very nice restaurant and when I opened the menu, there was a big message in the menu saying will you marry me. And then, he got on his knees and showed me a beautiful ring.”
A: “That’s so nice. Were there a lot of people watching?”
B: “Yeah. The whole restaurant was full. But I didn’t care. Everyone applauded when we were hugging after I said yes.”
A: “When is the big date?”
B: “We set the date for June 15th.”
A: “That’s in eight months. You are going to be so busy preparing for the wedding.”
B: “I know. But I wanted to ask you if you would be one of my bride’s maid.”
A: “Really? I’d love to.”