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مکالمه انگلیسی با موضوع بیان عدم رضایت از تلاش کسی

مکالمه انگلیسی با موضوع بیان عدم رضایت از تلاش کسی

Expressing dissatisfaction with someone’s efforts

Expressing dissatisfaction with someone’s efforts
That won’t do.
That won’t do it.
That doesn’t cut it.(idiomatic)
to cut it=to do what is needed
That doesn’t cut the mustard.(idiomatic)
 To cut the mustard=to measure up to expectations
That doesn’t make the grade.
to make the grade=to qualify
Is that it?
It’s not up to snuff.
Is that all?
You call that finished?
Once more with feeling.(cliche’)

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