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مکالمه انگلیسی با موضوع توصیف روابط خانوادگی

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مکالمه انگلیسی با موضوع توصیف روابط خانوادگی

Describing family relationships

Home Life
Describing family relationships
You’re just like your mother.
You take after your father.
 You are your father all over again.
It’s like I’m talking to your mother.
She looks just like her mother.
She looks just like her mother did at that age.
She’s the picture of her mother.
She favors her mother.
He’s the spit and image of his grandfather.
He’s the spitting image of his grandfather.
He’s got his father’s features.
She’s got her mother’s nose.
= Her nose is very much like her mother’s nose.
She resembles her Aunt Martha.
He’s a chip off the old block.
She’s following in her father’s footsteps.
 Like father, like son.
Like mother, like daughter.
He’s a real mama’s boy.
 She’s a real daddy’s girl.
She’s daddy’s little girl.