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ورزش کانادا

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ورزش کانادا

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Sport Canada

Sport Canada is the name of Canada’s federal government program to help support athletes. The purpose of Sport Canada is to develop and encourage sport, health, and exercise programs for all Canadians. However, Sport Canada’s main emphasis is on high-performance athletes training for major international athletic competitions, such as the Olympic Games.

Sport Canada was created in the 1970s as a response to the perceived need to help athletes train and compete in international sport. Before the 1970s, athletes wishing to train and compete in sport had to support themselves financially. Athletes were either independently wealthy, or were supported by family or friends. Unfortunately, many high-caliber athletes without such financial support simply could not afford to train and compete in international competition.

Also, before the early 1970s almost all international sports events were amateur. Amateur rules meant those receiving funds from government programs or corporations were breaking the rules of sport. Athletes receiving money were disqualified from competition. As a result, the amateur rules generally limited training and competition to those athletes who came from wealthier families. Less fortunate athletes, many of whom likely would have performed well for Canada in international competitions, simply could not afford to do so.

Sport Canada has been a role model for many government-run sport programs around the world. With its central administrative offices in Canada’s capital of Ottawa, Sport Canada efficiently provides administrative, coaching, and financial help for athletes across the country. Athletes can concentrate their efforts full-time on training and competition. As a result, Canada’s share of the medal totals in the Olympic Games has risen since the 1970s.

Recently, Sport Canada’s programs have been criticized by some who feel that the program does not provide enough money for athletes. While it does provide financial assistance to athletes, the amount paid is well below Canada’s minimum wage. Critics point out that athletes work full-time and perform an important function for the Canadian government and people. As a result of this criticism, the Canadian government has provided more money for athletes. However, the amount is still below the minimum wage level. As a result, the amount paid to athletes is likely to rise in the future.

As long as it effectively manages problems such as funding, Sport Canada will continue to provide the Canadian public with international-caliber athletes who compete with the very best in the world.


to make something more likely to exist, happen, or develop
*Violent TV programmes encourage anti-social behaviour.
*the government’s plans to encourage literacy


to understand or think of something or someone in a particular way  →  perception
perceive something/somebody as something
Even as a young woman she had been perceived as a future chief executive.
perceive something/somebody to be something
Often what is perceived to be aggression is simply fear.
Children who do badly in school tests often perceive themselves to be failures.


having a lot of money, possessions etc
ᅳsynonym rich
very/extremely/immensely/fabulously etc wealthy
He left as a poor, working class boy and returned as an extremely wealthy man.
the wealthy nations of the world


the American spelling of calibre

the standard or level of quality or ability of something or someone:

This work is of (a) very high caliber.
of somebody’s calibre
Where will we find another man of his calibre?
The school has always attracted a high calibre of student.

of high/the right etc calibre

The paintings were of the highest caliber.
of this/that calibre
The city needs a hotel of this calibre (=of this high standard) .

the past tense and past participle of mean



to stop someone from taking part in an activity because they have broken a rule
ᅳsynonym ban
disqualify somebody from (doing) something
He was disqualified from driving .
two infringements of the rules will disqualify a player

role model

someone whose behaviour, attitudes etc people try to copy because they admire them
I want to be a positive role model for my sister.


the part belonging to, owed to, or done by a particular person: my share of the cake/check | If you want a share in/of the pay, you’ll have to do your fair share of the work. | We still have the largest market share, but the competition is growing fast. | I had no share in (=was not one of the people who made) this decision. | The president has come in for his (full) share of (=has rightly received much) criticism over the question of unemployment. | I’ve had more than my fair share (=a lot) of troubles in my time.


a lot
a) a lot, or to a great degree
well before/after/above/below etc
Stand well back from the bonfire.
It was well after 12 o’clock when they arrived.
The village is well below sea level.
The amphitheatre is  well worth  a visit.
I’m  well aware  of the problems involved.
I went out and got  well and truly  (= completely )  drunk.

b)[ + adjective ]   British English   informal   very :
That was well funny!


also wages
[plural]money you earn that is paid according to the number of hours, days, or weeks that you work
ᅳsee also salaryHe earns a good wage .
wage increase also wage rise British English
The wage increases will come into effect in June.
daily/weekly etc wage
a weekly wage of $250
wage levels/rates (=fixed amounts of money paid for particular jobs)

point something ↔ out phrasal verb
to tell someone something that they did not already know or had not thought about
He was always very keen to point out my mistakes. The murder was obviously well planned, as the inspector had pointed out.
point out that
Some economists have pointed out that low inflation is not necessarily a good thing.
point something out to somebody
Thank you for pointing this out to me.

something that is likely will probably happen or is probably true  OPP  unlikely :

Snow showers are likely tomorrow.
likely outcome/effects/consequences etc
What are the likely effects of the law going to be?
the most  likely cause  of the problem
likely to do/be something
Children who live in the country’s rural areas are  very likely  to be poor.
more/less/most/least likely
Young drivers are far more likely to have accidents than older drivers.
It is  more than likely  (= almost certain )  the votes will have to be counted again.
It could have been an accident, but that was  hardly likely  (= not very likely ) .
He could offer no  likely explanation  when I asked him.
