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صحبت در مورد احساس دل شکستگی به زبان انگلیسی

صحبت در مورد احساس دل شکستگی به زبان انگلیسی


فایل صوتی

Broken Heart – Expressions

The most painful time period in my life was when my heart was broken by my first love. Even though I call it my first love, I don’t know if it was love or not. I just know it was a powerful feeling. Especially when it ended. I was devastated. In this lesson, we will cover sentences you will need when you talk to people about your broken heart.


عباراتی که هنگامی دل شکسته هستید می توانید به کار ببرید

“I wish I could sleep and not wake up. I can’t take the pain any longer.”
“Sleeping is the only comfort I have. It’s my only escape.”
“I wish God would take my life away. I wish I wasn’t living anymore.”
“I’m never going to get over her. Even after 10 years, I’ll still be thinking about her.”
“There’s a hole in my heart and I don’t think it’s going to heal.”
“My heart is so heavy. It’s so hard to even walk.”
“I don’t have the strength to move. I can’t stand up.”
“I lost my appetite and I can’t fall asleep.”

“Maybe if she knew how much I loved her, she would come back to me.”

“Make it go away. Make the pain go away!”
“I loved her so much. I loved her more than anything.”
“No. You don’t understand. You don’t understand how I feel.”

“Right when I came home from school, I would start to cry. I wouldn’t even make it up the first step. I would fall on the ground and cry.”
“I remember in school, some classmates kept asking me if I was sick. That’s how bad I looked. I was really sick in the heart.”
“I was crying one day and I fell asleep. When I woke up, I still had tears rolling down my face.”

Broken Heart – Asking Questions

فایل صوتی

Asking Questions


“How long will I feel like this?”
“When do you think I’ll be over her?”
“How long does the pain last?”
“How am I suppose to go on without her?”
“What am I suppose to do now that he’s gone?”

“What did you do to get over your first love?”
“Do you still think about your first love?”
“I can’t do anything except cry. Is this normal?”

“Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?”

“Why did she leave me?”
“What did I do wrong?”
“Why doesn’t he love me?”
“Does he not know how much I love him?”
“Why did this happen to me? It’s not fair.”
“Should I ask her to come back to me?”
“I’m willing to beg. I’m willing to do anything. Do you think it will help?”

Broken Heart – Talking to Person with Broken Heart

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صحبت با کسی که احساس دل شکستگی می کند

“Time is the only thing that can heal your heart.”
“It takes a while, but eventually, you’ll be yourself again.”
“I know it’s painful, but it’s only temporary.”
“It’s normal to feel this way. It’s one of the most painful things.”

“You have to move on.
“You need to get over him.”
“There are plenty of girls for you.”
“There are a lot of fish in the sea. You shouldn’t feel bad about losing one.”
“I’m confident that you’ll find a better guy.”

If your friend is trying to get over a person, it is good to concentrate on the bad things.

اگر دوست شما سعی دارد که شخصی را فراموش کند شما می توانید جملات زیر را بیان کنید

“He wasn’t good to you. It’s actually better that you guys broke up.”
“I know you’re hurting, but it was for the better.”
“He was a jerk. You must realize that your situation is much better without him.”
“I don’t know what you saw in her. She wasn’t good to you.”

It is also good to talk about your experience and how you overcame the pain. If they see that you experienced it too, they will be more receptive to what you have to say.

شما هم می توانید احساس همدردی خود را با بیان مسائلی که قبلا با ان مواجه شدید بیان کنید

“I remember my first break up. It was the worst feeling in the world. I was crying everyday for three months. And slowly, it got better. I know you’ll feel better too.”

“My first break up was pretty painful. It took me two years to get over her. I was still crying after 6 months. But it felt good to move on. I knew there was a better girl for me. I know there is a better girl for you.”

“I sometimes had bad thoughts too. I thought that it would be easier to die than live with the pain. But you know it’s wrong. I’m so glad that I dealt with the pain. I’m now a stronger and better person.”

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