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خواهرم از کانادا دیدن کرد

خواهرم از کانادا دیدن کرد

کانادا :: کانادا

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My Sister’s Visit to Canada

My sister had never been to Canada but came for a visit last April. I picked her up at the airport in Toronto and drove her through the traffic and multilane highways, past the grape vines and peach trees to Niagara Falls, where I live. She was very tired from the flight and soon slept.
The first day we walked to see the Falls. The spray from the Falls drifts high into the air and across the people standing to watch. There are people from all over the world watching the water and using their cameras. Because it was April there was still ice beside the water, huge chunks of ice that looked like white rocks. In the river there were floating pieces of ice moving downstream.
The next day we went to the town where the Niagara River joins Lake Ontario. The weather was warm. We walked a long way and our feet were hot, so we went down to the edge of the water to put our feet in. One toe in was enough! The water was so cold it made our feet ache! A piece of ice drifted beside our feet. I put one foot in for a second then out, as the pain of the cold went right through me! My sister could not understand how it could be so warm, but there was still ice.
Another day we went to see my daughter; she is living on a farm an hour’s drive away. We walked through her trees; the buds were starting to turn into leaves. We stopped and looked at the spring wildflowers. We climbed across a creek by walking over a fallen tree. We saw the footprints of raccoons by the water. There was fresh air and sunshine and blue sky.
On the way home we stopped for hamburgers and fries at a drive-through restaurant. She had never been to a drive-through restaurant before. Then we went to a donut shop. There are no donut shops where she lives. There was a choice of 20 different types of donut: some round, some with holes, some with frosting, some with jam inside–each was different.
The days passed quickly, and soon it was time to take her back to the airport. Some of the trees now had leaves; some of the tulips were now blooming. It was hard to say goodbye to my sister. I hope we can visit again soon.

also grapevine
a plant that produces grapes

a) [uncountable] water in very small drops that is blown from the sea etc or sent up by vehicles on a wet road
spray from the waves My face was stinging from the salt spray.
b) [countable] liquid that comes quickly from somewhere in very small drops
spray of
A spray of blood came from his mouth.

to move slowly on water or in the air
drift out/towards etc
The rubber raft drifted out to sea. Smoke drifted up from the jungle ahead of us.

1 [(of)] a large thick piece of something that does not have an even shape: a chunk of coal/cake/cheese
2 infml a large part or amount: The car repairs took quite a chunk out of her salary.
USAGE Compare chunk, hunk, slice, and lump. All these words are used about pieces of something, but give different ideas of size, shape and material. A chunk is a large, usually uneven piece of a solid material that can be cut or divided: a chunk of meat. Hunk is similar in meaning but is used especially of food that can be broken or cut off: a hunk of bread. A slice is a thin, flat, cleanly-cut piece of something, especially food: a slice of bread/sausage/cheese. A lump is a mass of a solid material, of no regular size or shape, especially one which has not been shaped by human control: a lump of rock. (But a lump of sugar is usually regular in size and shape.)

a continuous pain that is not sharp or very strong
a stomach acheA dull ache throbbed at the back of David’s head. aches and pains (=slight feelings of pain that are not considered to be serious) Apart from the usual aches and pains, she felt all right.


a young tightly rolled up flower or leaf before it opens
rose buds in bud (=having buds but no flowers yet)
come into bud (=start to produce buds)

a small narrow stream or river


a sweet substance put on cakes and made from powdery sugar and butter
British Equivalent: icing


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