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سفری به بیمارستان

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سفری به بیمارستان

tonsil-سفری به بیمارستان



A Trip to the Hospital

I have to get my tonsils out.
I’m not really happy about it, but I’m tired of being sick and having sore throats.
I have to go to the hospital two hours before my surgery.
My mother will go with me.

The nurses will take my temperature and check my blood pressure.
They will make sure that I am ready for my operation.
I will be dressed in a white gown, and I will be wheeled down the hall to the operating room.
I can’t have anything to eat or drink for a long time before my surgery.
My mother will walk down the hall with me; then she will wave goodbye as they wheel me into the operating room.
The doctor and the nurses will be busy in the operating room.
They will be getting ready to perform my surgery.

The doctor will say hello to me and tell me that he is going to put me to sleep.
He will put something into my arm.

He will tell me to count backwards from ten.

I think that I will only say “ten, nine,” and then I will be fast asleep.
I won’t be awake for the surgery.
When I wake up, I will be surprised that the surgery is over.
My throat will hurt, and I probably won’t feel very good.
My mother will be there with me.
The nurses will give me a drink and try to make me comfortable.

I won’t be in the hospital overnight.
I will go home later in the day.
My parents will have to make sure that I have a lot to drink.
I can’t eat any hard foods or they will hurt my throat.
I will sleep a lot, because I will not feel very well for a couple of days.
It won’t take long before I recover from my surgery.
Sometimes, we need surgery to make us feel better.
Hospitals can be a bit frightening, but the doctors and nurses are very nice, and their job is to make you better.


your tonsils are the two small round pieces of flesh at the sides of your throat.

– If you keep getting throat infections you might have to have your tonsils out (=have them removed) .
– She had to have her tonsils out.

Please notice that don’t compare between Persian and English language, when we are not in a place that we are going to go we don’t say “come” and we use “go”
My mother will go with me.


a long loose garment worn for some special purpose:
– a hospital gown.
– The gown a surgeon wears during an operation is usually green.

wheel v.

a) to push something that has wheels somewhere
– Kate wheeled her bike into the garage.

b) to move someone or something that is in or on something that has wheels
– Two nurses were wheeling him into the operating theatre.
– The nurse wheeled the cart up to the bed.

British English
a special room in a hospital where medical operations are done
American Equivalent: operating room
in theatre
– Marilyn is still in theatre.


towards the beginning or the past
ᅳopposite forwards
*Count backwards from 100.

for or during the night
-Pam’s staying overnight at my house.
-an overnight trip.
-an overnight bag.
-to stay overnight.

suddenly or surprisingly quickly
– He became a millionaire overnight.
happen/appear/change overnight
– Reputations are not changed overnight.
– The actor became famous overnight.
– an overnight success .