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آملیا ارهارت

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آملیا ارهارت

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Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart was one of the most famous airplane pilots of all time. She is famous for the impressive travels that she made in her airplane, for the mystery surrounding her death, and for showing that women could perform great feats of aviation.

Amelia Earhart was born in the American state of Kansas, in the year 1897. After graduating from high school, Earhart studied to become a nurse. She worked as a military nurse in Canada during World War One, treating injured soldiers. After the war, she returned to the United States, and became a social worker. But in 1920 she saw airplanes in a stunt-flying exhibition, and early the next year she took her first ride in an airplane. It was then that Amelia Earhart decided to become a pilot.

Within a few months, Earhart saved her money and bought a small airplane. She flew frequently, and improved her skills as a pilot. In 1928, she joined two men in a flight across the Atlantic Ocean.

But Amelia Earhart’s greatest exploits were still to come. In May 1932, she attempted to become the first woman to fly “solo,” or alone, across the Atlantic Ocean. She flew east from the island of Newfoundland, and faced cold weather, high winds, and dense fog. But she successfully crossed the ocean, and landed her airplane in a farmer’s field in Ireland. When news of her flight reached the United States, Amelia Earhart had become very famous.

Later flights by Amelia Earhart were equally impressive. She became the first person to fly from Hawaii to California, across 4000 kilometres of the Pacific Ocean. She also became the first person to fly from Mexico City to the New York City area. But in 1937, she planned her most ambitious flight: a journey around the world.  On June 1st, 1937, Amelia Earhart took off from Miami, Florida. She was accompanied by her navigator, Fred Noonan. They flew east, making stops along the way. Within one month, they had flown across three-quarters of the globe, reaching the Pacific island of New Guinea. On July 2nd, Earhart and Noonan took off from New Guinea, flying toward Howland Island. This very small island was over 4000 kilometres from New Guinea, and was very difficult to find in the middle of the vast ocean.

During this flight, Earhart and Noonan were in radio contact with some ships from the U.S. Navy. However, bad weather made it impossible to see the stars at night, so navigation was very difficult, and the plane became lost. Earhart and Noonan never arrived at Howland Island. The U.S. Navy undertook a massive search, but they never found the lost airplane. Earhart and Noonan had been lost at sea.

Amelia Earhart’s death was a great tragedy, but she had lived an exciting life that was full of achievements. She had helped to show that very long flights could be made, and that women could perform feats of flying that were equal to those of men. Even today, many people are inspired by the courage and endurance of Amelia Earhart.


an action needing strength, skill, or courage: It was quite a feat to move that piano by yourself! | feats of endurance | a remarkable feat of engineering
the construction of this bridge was a feat of engineering
Rustam and his amazing feats


the science or practice of flying in aircraft


to try to cure an illness or injury by using drugs, hospital care, operations etc
ᅳsee also treatment It was difficult to treat patients because of a shortage of medicine.
treat somebody with something
Nowadays, malaria can be treated with drugs.


an often dangerous act of skill: In the movie he had to drive a car into the sea, and other hair-raising stunts. | The plane flew upside down, turned over twice, and did a few more stunts before landing. | stunt flying | (fig.) If you go on pulling stupid stunts (=doing silly things) like that, you’ll lose us all our money.


a brave and successful act
a brave and exciting adventure that someone has had
exploit of
the daring exploits of the British Parachute Regiment
He performed many daring exploits, such as crossing the Atlantic Ocean in a rowboat.


difficult to see through or breathe in
dense fog/smoke/cloud dense black smoke


[+ adjective/adverb] to the same degree or amount
You must have a good education, but practical training is equally important.
in equal parts or amounts
We agreed to divide the money equally between everyone.
[sentence adverb] used when introducing a second idea or statement that is as important as your first one
We want the economy to grow, but equally we want low inflation.


an ambitious plan, idea etc shows a desire to do something good but difficult
an ambitious engineering project

an over-ambitious health reform program

showing or resulting from a desire to do something difficult or something that demands great effort, great skill, etc.: His next production was a very ambitious musical. | We cooked nothing more ambitious than scrambled eggs.
an ambitious engineering project
an over-ambitious health reform program

an ambitious undertaking


to take up or accept (a duty or piece of work, esp. one that is difficult or needs effort):

She undertook responsibility for the changes.
The Channel Tunnel is one of the biggest engineering projects ever undertaken.

Ahmad undertook to be their teacher
to undertake a task

this is too big a project to be undertaken by one man alone


to encourage someone by making them feel confident and eager to do something
We need someone who can inspire the team.
inspire somebody to do something
He inspired many young people to take up the sport.
inspire somebody to something
I hope this success will inspire you to greater efforts.
Inspired by the sunny weather, I decided to explore the woods.
He tried to inspire them to greater efforts.
I was inspired to work harder by her example.


the ability to continue doing something difficult or painful over a long period of time
physical/mental endurance
She was pushed beyond her powers of endurance .
The marathon is a test of endurance .
endurance sports/training (=designed to test or improve your endurance)

Long-distance races are won by the runners with the greatest endurance. | The course is a real test of endurance.
the endurance of the natural hardships of life
the great physical endurance of mountain climbers
endurance running