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کالج ها و دانشگاه های کانادا

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کالج ها و دانشگاه های کانادا

دانشگاه های کانادایی :: دانشگاه های کانادایی

دانلود آموزش رایگان زبان

Canadian Colleges and Universities

Canada has about fifty accredited universities spread across ten provinces. All, except one, are primarily government-funded. This means that there is considerable uniformity regarding programs, administration and policy. Private colleges tend to be smaller and are mostly based on a religious curriculum. Most universities offer programs in the Humanities, Social Sciences and pure Sciences. Many have additional faculties such as Education and Physical Education.

Many programs that lead directly to a position in the workplace are given at community colleges. Community colleges differ from universities because their programs involve job training and practical experience. For example, they might offer courses in areas such as computer programming, journalism, photography, social work, dentistry and nursing. Their programs are considered to be less abstract and academic than university programs. Many students see university as being more fun than community college. They don’t have to worry immediately about getting a job, and the social life is often better at university. However, a university degree may be less likely to lead directly to a job. Nowadays, university programs, which are work-related, such as business administration, education, child studies and psychology, seem especially popular.

Universities, however, were founded mainly as liberal arts institutions. This means that their original intent was to prepare people to be well-rounded human beings and knowledgeable citizens. So nearly all universities have programs in literature, languages, philosophy, culture, music, history and politics, as well as studies that are more job- related. A pass B.A. or B.Sc. degree in Canada is normally three full years of study after secondary school. A bachelor degree with honours includes one more year of study. A Master’s degree is a further one or two years.

A doctorate usually requires four or more years. This is similar to the United States, except that their bachelor degree is normally three years, and their master’s degree may be up to three years. To gain entrance to university you usually need to graduate from secondary school with a B average. Some programs will require an A average.

Tuition costs have gone up in recent years as governments have handed over less money to colleges and universities. More students now have to work during the school year to pay their expenses. Attending college and university is known to be one of the most carefree periods in a person’s life.

As long as you keep up with your readings and assignments, you should be able to avoid major difficulties. Facilities for athletics, student radio and newspapers, pubs and lounges and generally pleasant surroundings make campus life agreeable. It is a good time to make friends, learn new skills and take calculated risks. Moreover, colleges and universities are a good practical investment, as they help to prepare young people for a changing world.

accredited (adj)
officially recognized as reaching a certain standard or quality: accredited milk from a herd of healthy cows | an accredited college

Another Source:
having official approval to do something, especially because of having reached an acceptable standard
an accredited counsellor an accredited language school

an accredited diplomat
an accredited college


the quality of being or looking the same as all other members of a group
There seems to be no uniformity among the various systems.

regarding preposition
(esp. in business letters) on the subject of; in connection with; concerning: Regarding your recent inquiry … .

Another Source:
a word used especially in letters or speeches to introduce the subject you are writing or talking about
ᅳsynonym concerning, with regard to
Regarding your recent inquiry, I have enclosed a copy of our new brochure.
his statements regarding the country’s economy

plural curricula or curriculums

the subjects that are taught by a school, college etc, or the things that are studied in a particular subject
Languages are an essential part of the school curriculum. curriculum planning
on the curriculum
British English IT is now on the curriculum in most schools.
in the curriculum
American English Students are exempt from some classes in the curriculum for religious reasons.

community college
a college in the US that students can go to for two years in order to learn a skill or prepare for university
Another Source:
a COLLEGE (3) that is generally attended by students who live at home rather than at the college, and that is usu. cheaper than other colleges because it usu. is partly paid for by the local government. Working people often attend community colleges to improve their QUALIFICATIONs. Also, students who are not accepted to the college of their choice because of poor examination results often attend their community college; after achieving better examination results there, they may transfer to a better college where they can finish a BACHELOR’s degree.

secondary school

a school for children between the ages of 11 and 16 or 18
ᅳsee also primary school

with honours

a) with honours
British English if you pass a university degree with honours, you pass it at a level that is higher than the most basic level

b) with honors
American English if you finish high school or college with honors, you get one of the highest grades


a university degree of the highest level
doctorate in
She received her doctorate in history in 1998.


the money you pay for being taught
When I started college, tuition was $350 a quarter.

hand overhand over phrasal verb
hand something ↔ over
to give something to someone with your hand, especially because they have asked for it or should have it
The soldiers were ordered to hand over their guns.
hand something ↔ over to
He handed the phone over to me.


having no worries or problems
He thought back to the carefree days of his childhood.
a carefree attitude

Facilityrooms, equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose
All rooms have private facilities (=private bathroom and toilet) . The hotel has its own pool and leisure facilities . toilet facilities childcare facilities

pub(esp. in Britain) a building, not a club or hotel, where alcohol may be bought and drunk during fixed hours: They’ve gone down to the pub. | the landlord of the pub | a pub lunch

a waiting room at an airport
the departure lounge
a public room in a hotel or other building, that is used by many people as a place to relax
the television lounge
British English the main room in a house where people relax, watch television etc

take calculated risks1
a calculated crime or dishonest action is deliberately and carefully planned – used to show disapproval
a calculated attempt to deceive the American public
a calculated risk/gamble
something risky that you do after thinking carefully about what might happen
The police took a calculated risk in releasing him.


relating to real situations and events rather than ideas, emotions etc
ᅳsee also theoretical Candidates should have training and practical experience in basic electronics. the practical problems of old age They provide financial and practical help for disabled students. a combination of theoretical and practical training They haven’t thought about the practical consequences of the new regulations. In practical terms , this means spending more time with each student.
practical plans, methods etc are likely to succeed or be effective in a situation
ᅳopposite impracticalIt doesn’t sound like a very practical solution.a practical way of achieving greater efficiencyUnfortunately, there’s no practical alternative to driving.a practical guide to buying and selling a house
a practical person is good at dealing with problems and making decisions based on what is possible and what will really work
ᅳopposite impracticalShe’s a very practical person .I was very shocked, but tried to be practical and think what to do.
useful or suitable for a particular purpose or situation
ᅳopposite impractical Skirts aren’t very practical in my kind of work.