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خانه » چگونه می خواهید آنچه لازم است برای انجام درست این کار بدانید را یادبگیرید؟

چگونه می خواهید آنچه لازم است برای انجام درست این کار بدانید را یادبگیرید؟

  • از

چگونه می خواهید آنچه لازم است برای انجام درست این کار بدانید را یادبگیرید؟

77- How do you intend to learn what you need to know to perform well for this job?

“How do you intend to learn what you need to know to perform well for this job?”

We have a similar question here, but we can use this opportunity to see another example.

Short Answers

“I have experience in learning new concepts without training. I usually look through books or manuals to find answers. Because I’m good at learning, I’ll study relevant material to help me do my duties well.”


“I have experience in this area so I won’t need much training. However, I know different companies have different ways of doing things, so I’ll learn company policies and methods quickly to apply my existing knowledge to do a good job.”

“The first couple weeks are important. I think it’s important to study the correct material, ask the right questions, and put in extra effort to learn what I need to know. This is what I usually do to make sure I’ll be performing well.”

Long Answer

“If the company provides training, I’ll utilize the training to learn. If not, then I’ll learn by being attentive to what other people do, read up on the documentation, and be willing to ask questions when necessary. I know the first couple of weeks are important and I’m willing to put in extra effort to start off on the right track.”

This example is shorter and more to the point. It is not an answer that will astonish the interviewer, but it is an answer that will show couple good traits about yourself.

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