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رابرت رندی: پس از جنگ فالکلند 2

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رابرت رندی: پس از جنگ فالکلند 2

Robert Runcie :: Robert Runcie

لینک دانلود فایل رایگان آموزش انگلیسی

Robert Runcie: ‘After the Falklands War’ (2)

Man without God finds it difficult to achieve this revolution inside himself. But talk of peace and reconciliation is just fanciful and theoretical unless we are prepared to undergo such a revolution. Many of the reports I have heard about the troops engaged in this war refer to moments when soldiers have been brought face to face with what is fundamental in life and have found new sources of strength and compassion even in the midst of conflict. Ironically, it has sometimes been those spectators who remained at home, whether supporters or opponents of the conflict, who continue to be most violent in their attitudes and untouched in their deepest selves. Man without God is less than man.

In meeting God, a man is shown his failures and his lack of integrity, but he is also given strength to turn more and more of his life and actions into love and compassion for other men like himself. It is necessary to the continuance of life on this planet that more and more people make this discovery. We have been the choice. Man possesses the power to obliterate himself, sacrificing the whole race on the altar of some God-substitute, Or he can choose life in partnership with God the Father of all.

I believe that there is evidence that more and more people are waking up to the realization that this crucial decision peers us in the face here and now. Cathedrals and churches are always places into which we bring human experiences – birth, marriage, death, our flickering communion with God, our fragile relationships with each other, so that they may be deepened and directed by the spirit of Christ. Today we bring our mixture of thanksgiving, sorrows and aspirations for a better ordering of this world. Pray God that he may purify, enlarge and redirect these in the ways of his kingdom of love and peace. Amen.

reconciliation noun
a situation in which two people, countries etc become friendly with each other again after quarrelling :

Her ex-husband had always hoped for a reconciliation.
reconciliation between/with
The meeting achieved a reconciliation between the groups.
his reconciliation with his brother
The treaty has brought a new spirit of reconciliation on both sides.
The leadership announced a programme of national reconciliation   (= an attempt by all sides to end a war or trouble in a country ) .

compassion noun
a strong feeling of sympathy for someone who is suffering, and a desire to help them

compassion for
compassion for the sick
feel/show/have compassion
Did he feel any compassion for the victim of his crime?
with compassion
Lieberman explores this sensitive topic with compassion.
I was shocked by the doctor’s  lack of compassion .

Ironically  adverb
1 [ sentence adverb ]   used when talking about a situation in which the opposite of what you expected happens or is true :
Ironically, his cold got better on the last day of his holiday.

2 in a way that shows you really mean the opposite of what you are saying :
‘Oh, no problem!’ said Terry, ironically.

spectator noun
someone who is watching an event or game  →  audience :
The match attracted over 40,000 spectators.


someone who watches something

spectator   someone who watches an event, especially a sports event :

There were 4,500 spectators at the game.
a crowd of spectators

viewer   someone who watches television :

Millions of television viewers listened to the President’s speech.
programmes for younger viewers

audience   the people who watch a play or performance, or the people who watch a particular television programme :

The audience roared with laughter and clapped.
It attracted a television audience of seven million.

onlooker   someone who watches something happening without being involved in it, especially in the street :
A man was standing on the roof, watched by a crowd of onlookers below.

observer   someone who watches and pays attention to particular situations and events, because they are interested in them, or it is their job :

She was a shrewd observer of human nature.
a political observer who writes for The Independent newspaper
The United Nations has sent military observers to the Sudan.

integrity noun
the quality of being honest and strong about what you believe to be right

personal/professional/political etc integrity
a man of great moral integrity

obliterate  verb
to destroy something completely so that nothing remains :
Hiroshima was nearly obliterated by the atomic bomb.


destroy  to damage something so badly that it no longer exists or cannot be used or repaired :

The earthquake almost completely destroyed the city.
The twin towers were destroyed in a terrorist attack.

devastate   to damage a large area very badly and destroy many things in it :

Allied bombings in 1943 devastated the city.
The country’s economy has been devastated by years of fighting.

demolish  to completely destroy a building, either deliberately or by accident :

The original 15th century house was demolished in Victorian times.
The plane crashed into a suburb of Paris, demolishing several buildings.

flatten   to destroy a building or town by knocking it down, bombing it etc, so that nothing is left standing :
The town centre was flattened by a 500 lb bomb.

wreck   to deliberately damage something very badly, especially a room or building :
The toilets had been wrecked by vandals.
They just wrecked the place.

trash   informal   to deliberately destroy a lot of the things in a room, house etc :
Apparently, he trashed his hotel room while on drugs.

obliterate   formal   to destroy a place so completely that nothing remains :  The nuclear blast obliterated most of Hiroshima.

reduce something to ruins/rubble/ashes   to destroy a building or town completely :
The town was reduced to rubble in the First World War.
ruin   to spoil something completely, so that it cannot be used or enjoyed :
Fungus may ruin the crop.  |  The new houses will ruin the view.

peer verb
to look very carefully at something, especially because you are having difficulty seeing it :

He was peering through the wet windscreen at the cars ahead.
Philippa peered into the darkness.

flicker verb
if an emotion or expression flickers on someone’s face or through their mind, it exists or is shown for only a short time
flicker across/through/on etc
A puzzled smile flickered across the woman’s face.

fragile adjective
a fragile situation is one that is weak or uncertain, and likely to become worse under pressure  OPP  strong :
the country’s  fragile economy
Relations between the two countries are in a  fragile state .
the party’s fragile unity

mixture   noun
a combination of two or more different things, feelings, or types of people

mixture of
The town is a mixture of the old and the new.
the mixture of different people living in the city
She felt a strange mixture of excitement and fear.
a mixture of emotions

purify verb
to make someone pure by removing evil from their soul :
They prayed to God to purify them.