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آموزش الفبای انگلیسی

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آموزش الفبای انگلیسی

The Alphabet-English-teaching-داستان کوتاه انگلیسی الفبای انگلیسی

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The Alphabet

The English language is written using an alphabet.
In an alphabet, there are many letters.
Each letter means a different sound.
The English language uses the Roman alphabet.
Other languages use this alphabet too.
This alphabet has twenty-six letters.
Here are the letters, and a word that begins with each letter.
A is for apple.
B is for bird.
C is for car.
D is for day.
E is for evening.
F is for flower.
G is for grass.
H is for house.
I is for ice.
J is for jump.
K is for kitchen.
L is for laugh.
M is for mountain.
N is for nail.
O is for ocean.
P is for purple.
Q is for queen.
R is for run.
S is for sun.
T is for train.
U is for umbrella.
V is for vest.
W is for water.
X is for X-ray.
Y is for yellow.
Z is for zipper.
The letters A, E, I, O, and U are vowels.
The letter Y is sometimes a vowel.
The other letters are all consonants.
In the English language, some letters can have more than one sound.