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وقتی با رئیس خود مشکل دارید چه کار میکنید؟

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وقتی با رئیس خود مشکل دارید چه کار میکنید؟

96- What do you do when you have a problem with your boss?

problem with your boss-angry

“What do you do when you have a problem with your boss?”

This question is a little easier for me because I haven’t had many directs I didn’t like. It is easier to tell a manager your problems because they are in a position where they should accept listening to your problems. So in this case, I would answer it by showing some honesty trait.

Short Answers

“I’m very open with my manager. I feel it’s important that my manager knows about how I feel. I always start a conversation and try and solve our differences through professional conversation.”

“When I have a problem with my boss, I don’t like to keep it bottled up. I want to resolve problems so I can work efficiently without distractions. So I always talk to my manager about the problems that I have openly.”

“I deal with different types of people very well, but if I have a problem that affects my work, I will openly tell my manager and the reason why it’s bothering me.”

Long Answer

“I’m a very honest and open person. So anytime I have a problem with my boss, I always let him or her know. I make a list of things that bother me. I ask my boss for time to chat and I reveal these problems and the reasons for them. I want to make sure I’m not being offensive or sound like I’m accusing my boss of anything.”

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