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خانه » صحبت در مورد اقدامات برای عروسی به زبان انگلیسی _ تهیه دسته گل ،عکاس و غیره

صحبت در مورد اقدامات برای عروسی به زبان انگلیسی _ تهیه دسته گل ،عکاس و غیره

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صحبت در مورد اقدامات برای عروسیبه زبان انگلیسی _ تهیه دسته گل ،عکاس و غیره

Number 1


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Wedding Process – Flowers

The next step is for the decoration and flowers.

Friends might ask,

ممکن از شما سوال شود که برای عروسی خود چه دسته گلی را می پسندید

“What kind of flowers are you going to have?”
“What color flowers are you going to have?”

You can respond by,

نمونه ای از جواب هایی که می توانید بدهید

“I’m thinking about white and yellow roses.”

“I’m not sure yet, but I’m leaning towards lavender and white roses.”

You will need to call up a flower shop and ask for flowers to be arranged.

شما حتما باید با گل فروشی تماس بگیرید ودر مورد گل های مورد نظرتان سوال کنید

“I’m going to get married next June and I would like an estimate for flowers.”

Usually it all depends on your price range so they might ask you how much and how big the wedding will be.

معمولا دسته گل را متناسب با جشنی که می خواهید برگزار کنید درست می کنند بنابراین گل فروش ممکن است

از چگونگی برگزاری جشن شما سوال کند

“How many people are you expecting and what is your budget for flowers?”

“I am expecting about 150 people and I wanted to stay under one thousand dollars for flowers.”

“What types of flowers did you have in mind?”

“I want purple and white roses.”

“I believe I can provide what you are looking for. I can prepare the flowers for the walkway, for the altar, the flower you hold, flowers for the brides maid, and overall decoration. Because of your flower selection, it will cost twelve hundred dollars.”

Number 2

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Wedding Process – Photographer, Dress and Tux

Another thing you will have to prepare is the photographer.

یکی دیگر از اقدامات برای عروسی فراهم کردن عکاس می باشد

“How much do you charge for wedding pictures?”
“What is included in your wedding package?”
“How many years of experience do you have?”
“How many weddings have you worked on?”
“Do you have samples of wedding pictures you took that I can look at?”
“Do you use both color and black and white film?”
“Do you provide video service in your wedding package?”

You also need to prepare for the dress for yourself and the dresses for your maid of honor and brides maid. Usually this is done talking with friends and family.

“What color do you think we should get for the brides maid dresses?”
“What color dress do you think will go well with purple and white roses?”

Candle lighters are another person in the wedding party. You might need to get a dress for that person as well.

“Should we have the same dress for the candle lighter or a different dress?”

The men need to get a tuxedo. Usually you find a tux shop and they take care of the rest. Only instructions you need to give to the best man and grooms men is the location of the place.

“Make sure you go into the Black Tie tuxedo shop next week and get your size measured.”

“Go to the tux shop and pick up your tuxedo on the 14th.”

I don’t know the rule for who pays for the tux or the dress. I’ve seen it both ways. In some weddings, the people wearing the dress or tux pays for it, and in other weddings, I’ve seen the wedding couple pay for everything.

Number 3

https://media.salamzaban.com/sites/repo/audio/conversation/subjective/marriage/9-3 – Wedding Process – Gifts and Reception.mp3

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سایر مواردی که قبل از عروسی در مورد آن صحبت می شود

In some cultures, wedding present is usually given in the form of money. In America, money is rarely given among friends. Family might provide financial support, but for presents, it is always a gift bought at a store. In order to prevent duplicate gifts or gifts that you don’t want, many stores such as The Bon, provide a wedding registry. You go and pick all the things you want and they enter it into a computer. You tell everyone in the invitation you sent out that the gift registry is at The Bon. They will go to The Bon and print out a list of what you have selected. If someone bought it already, then that item will not show up.

This is a way to get what you need and makes it easier for the people buying you gifts.

In the store, you simply tell the person:

“I’m going to get married in June and I would like my registry here.”

If you are a person buying a present, then you can ask,

“My friend is getting married and they registered here. Where can I get a list of presents they selected?”

After the church is selected, the flowers have been ordered, and the photographer is reserved, then you have to practice. The wedding party usually meets at the church a day or two before the wedding and rehearses the coming day’s event. After the rehearsal, a rehearsal dinner should be provided.

Don’t forget about the reception. You have to plan for a reception after the wedding. Usually it is a meal at a different location or at the church. Again, this is all dependent on how much you can afford. An open bar is also an option that many people like. An open bar is a bar that people can order drinks for free.

Now that we looked through the process of a wedding, let’s work on a few sentences friends say to each other before and during the busy wedding process.

“Planning for a wedding is so time consuming. I don’t know if I can finish everything on time.”
“I’m getting so stressed out. It feels like there are a hundred different things to do.”
“I think I’m almost done with my wedding plans. Although I’m relieved, I now feel anxious about the wedding.”

“Did you help your fiancé plan for the wedding?”
“You made her do all the work?”
“My boyfriend was so helpful. He literally did most of the planning.”
“Are you going to have the reception at the church or did you reserve another place?”
“How much did your wedding cost?”
“How much was the reception?”

A wedding is much larger and requires much more planning than I described here. I primarily covered the larger items in a broad way. This is to give you an idea and a starting point. If you have additional questions or specific requests, feel free to ask.