ابراز تاسف بابت شکست

متن درباره ابراز تاسف بابت شکست. ابراز تاسف از شکست قانون و یا از دست دادن انتخابات. نامه نگاری ابراز تاسف ازشکست. ابراز قدردانی انگلیسی بابت شکست قانون

express regret on the defeat of legislation or the loss of an election

Letter #1:
Just a note to express our group’s continued support of your efforts in Congress. We are sorry that your wilderness bill did not pass, but are encouraged that with some revision it will make it through the next session. We are confident that you will eventually get a good bill though the legislature. Everyone knows we need some standards to follow; it is only a matter of time. We are willing to help in any way we can.

Letter #2:
My husband and I were sorry to hear that the Wilderness Bill passed in spite of your tremendous efforts. Of course, this issue will not go away, and you will have another opportunity to fight this battle. When you do, you will have our full support again. Good luck.

Letter #3:
On behalf of all of us in the Alps Club, please accept our condolences on the defeat of the Doe Bill. We all know it wasn’t for lack of trying. This is an issue that will continue to rear its head, and we know we can count on you to give strong voice to our support for forestry regulations enforcement. You can certainly count on the support of the Alps Club in your bid for reelection next fall.

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