متن درباره استعفا به دلیل کشمکش.به دلیل درگیری شخصیت و یا درگیری ارزش ها، برای کار به استعفا برید
Resign for a job because of a personality clash or conflict of values
Letter #1:
Experiences over the past several months convince me that I must resign from my position as counselor, effective no later than two weeks from today. When I was initially hired at Doe Corporation, I thought that this was a company with values similar to my own. But poor compensation, infrequent raises, uncompensated overtime, routine layoffs, and an excessive workloads have convinced me otherwise. I believe the relationship between a company and its employees should be mutually beneficial. Unfortunately, Doe Corporation exploits its employees. I cannot, therefore, in good conscience, work for a company that so grossly undervalues the worth of its employees.
I want to thank you, however, for being a wonderful supervisor. I appreciate your taking the time to discuss with me the concerns I have had. I know you did everything you could to improve our working conditions, but the fact that your efforts have been persistently ignored is indicative that things are not about to change. I sincerely hope that my resignation does not reflect adversely upon you in any way.
Two weeks should be enough time for me to complete my assignments. Because Doe Corporation does not typically replace those who quit, my duties will be assimilated in the usual way. Nonetheless, I will gladly ensure that my more difficult accounts are settled before I leave.
دلایل استعفا
Letter #2:
Regretfully I inform you that I must resign from my position as a counselor effective immediately.
Three weeks ago my supervisor informed me that a co-worker was criticizing my work. According to my superiors, she searched through my personal files and work bins. She then alerted my supervisor and the office manager about violations of company policy and file errors which I had allegedly committed. Although I may have erred unintentionally, I think it is grossly negligent to allow another employee to wantonly rummage through my desk without my consent. Such acts infringe upon my right to privacy, and I am disturbed that I was not notified of the situation immediately. Repeated attempts to remedy this incident have met with disappointment. Your unwillingness to challenge this violation of my privacy makes it impossible for me to feel secure working at Doe’s.
Because I have enjoyed working here, my decision to resign is intensely upsetting. The work is both exciting and challenging. During my tenure I have gained important skills which will be useful for years to come.
I regret that circumstances necessitate a hasty departure. However, to allow my successor to assume my duties without undue effort, I am leaving detailed instructions which explain how to fulfill each responsibility.
قانون کار
Letter #3:
Please accept this letter as official notification of my intent to resign from my position as a counselor two weeks from today.
Ever since Doe Corporation chose a new manager, I have been in turmoil. The relationship between employee and manager should be one of mutual respect and support. Instead, our current manager uses bullying, excessive force, and verbal abuse as a management style. Unfortunately, this style directly opposes my personal business philosophy which advocates a more sensitive approach. Not only is it unconscionable for me to work in such a hostile environment, but it is also physically and mentally debilitating to work under such stressful circumstances.
Resigning for these reasons is extremely disconcerting, but, given the circumstances, I don’t feel I have much choice. Senior management does not seem troubled by John’s abusive behavior toward his underlings and I, therefore, doubt that changes are imminent. The enjoyment I derived from my position and the fact that the training here is superior to that of other companies make this decision especially difficult. I sincerely hope to find another position as rewarding as this one.
Two weeks should be ample time for me to orient a replacement as well as fulfill my obligations. If I can do anything else to facilitate an orderly transfer of duties, please let me know as soon as possible.
قوانین استعفا
Letter #4:
Please accept this letter as official notification of my intent to retire early. If convenient, I would like to schedule my date of departure for the end of this month. However, if you feel my leaving so soon will present serious difficulties for my associates, I will gladly stay until the end of next month, but I have no intention of postponing my retirement beyond that time.
Recent events have motivated me to reexamine my reasons for working here. Ever since the company acquired the Doe Corporation, I have been dissatisfied with my job. My usual responsibilities have been supplanted by those that require an inordinate amount of travel. When I was hired we agreed that my travel time would be kept to a minimum, but now I am expected to travel across the country each week auditing files. Unfortunately, my family obligations render this expectation unacceptable. Because I enjoyed my job so much before the takeover, I am upset that it has come to this. But since I have been given no alternatives, I am confident this decision is in the best interest of all concerned.
The company has contributed immeasurably to my professional career. I will always be indebted to you for granting the financial assistance needed to further my education and for company-sponsored training seminars, which permitted me to acquire the proficiency needed to excel in my profession.
Although I plan to work elsewhere, I also intend to do some part-time consulting and would enjoy being involved in special short-term projects. Please let me know if you are interested. If there is anything else you would like to discuss with me I would be happy to meet with you.
جزئیات مربوط قانون ترک کار.قواعد ترک کار چیست؟
Letter #5:
Effective immediately, I am resigning as buyer from Doe & Co. It is clear to me that this store refuses to listen to the fashion and design demands of the clientele, and instead, yields to some Parisian design dictate foreign to our customers. Hence, our exotic merchandise remains on the floor for months and our accounts remain in the red. Kansans want merchandise suitable for Kansas, not France, and so do I.
Thank you for allowing me to work here. I have learned much about customer relations.