تشکر از کار خوب

متن درباره تشکر از کار خوب. با تشکر از کسی که کار خوبی انجام داده است. تشکر انگلیسی برای کار خوب. نامه تشکر بابت کار خوب.

thank someone for a job well done

Letter #1:
I want to commend you for your efforts on the Doe project. The president noticed and appreciated your attention to detail and relentless determination to release a quality product on time. We are proud to have you as part of our team and look forward to your future contributions.

تشکر از کار خوب

Letter #2:
I am very pleased with the aluminum luggage carrier you made for my motorcycle. I had only a vague notion of what I needed, but you translated it into a very useful and durable product.

We will certainly send any future projects requiring custom fabrication to your shop.

Letter #3:
Please convey our thanks to Ms. Doe, the clerk who helped my mother when she visited your fabric store. My mother is elderly and has difficulty hearing. Ms. Doe was courteous and helpful to her in choosing material for a new dress. If everyone could be as pleasant and helpful, our world would be much happier.

Letter #4:
My special thanks to you and your team for the wonderful job you did on the Doe Project. The customer was delighted with the presentation and especially appreciated your suggested modifications. The extra time and effort you put in were certainly worthwhile. It is a joy for me to work with such dedicated and talented colleagues.

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