تشکر انگلیسی برای اطلاعات

متن درباره تشکر انگلیسی برای اطلاعات.اگر میخواهید یک نامه بنویسید این نمونه نامه ها مفید است.می توانید از شخصی بخاطر ارسال اطلاعات تشکر کنید.

thank someone for information

Letter #1:
Thank you for the comparison study that arrived yesterday. I appreciate your efforts in collecting the information and getting it to me so quickly. The material will be very useful in helping us determine our production costs for the coming year. The information you provided is both up-to-date and specific to our company’s needs. If I can reciprocate in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Letter #2:
The information I requested on the new camcorders arrived today. It was just what I needed. Thank you. I genuinely appreciate your help. I plan to use the data as part of my thesis on high tech piracy. If you would like, I will be happy to share the results of my research.

Letter #3:
Thank you for sharing the results of your materials stress tests. As I hoped, these data will help me to convince the engineers to specify lower-cost materials in some of our designs. I am very pleased with our association; we have been able to help one another often. Do not hesitate to call again if I can help.

Letter #4:
Thank you for sending me the personnel file on John Doe. He is due for a review this month, and I have not worked closely enough with John to make any decisions without the information in his file. Please let me know if there is anything I might do to make your job easier as you face personnel reviews or other hectic times.

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