تشکر انگلیسی برای مصاحبه

متن درباره تشکر انگلیسی برای مصاحبه ، قرار ملاقات یا جلسه

تشکر انگلیسی برای مصاحبه

پس از انجام مصاحبه کاری یا سفارت یا هر نوع مصاحبه دیگری به زبان انگلیسی می توانیم از مصاحبه کننده گان تشکر کنیم. این کار ممکن است غیر از مودبانه بودنش تاثیر بسزایی در نتیجه مصاحبه داشته باشد.

حداقل یک فرق اساسی ممکن است بین شما و دیگر مصاحبه شوندگان ایجاد کند. اگر چه خب این مدل تشکر ها در بعضی از فرهنگ ها مثل فرهنگ اجتماعی و شغلی آمریکای شمالی بسیار رایج است. و در بعضی فرهنگ ها مثل ایران متداول نیست و عمومیت ندارد.


thank someone for an appointment , interview , or meeting

Letter #1:
I would like to express my gratitude for our meeting yesterday. It was both enjoyable and informative. Your insightful presentation contained several innovative ideas that we are now considering for our new advertising campaign. The committee has asked me to express our sincere appreciation and to invite you to continue to share your expertise and advice with us as we formalize our course of action. With your permission, I will notify you as soon as we schedule our next planning meeting. We will look forward to seeing you there.

تشکر انگلیسی برای مصاحبه

Letter #2:
Thank you for the opportunity you gave me to interview for the testing position. The development projects sound exciting and the people I met were congenial and professional. Doe Corporation seems like a wonderful place to work and the Springfield area is beautiful. I would very much like to be part of the Doe team. I will be available next week and will be happy to provide more information to help you make your decision.

نمونه مکالمه انگلیسی برای مصاحبه

Letter #3:
Thank you for meeting with me on Thursday to discuss the possibility of my transferring to Doe South Division. As I mentioned, I am interested in the diversity of projects that the South Division handles and would also find the geographic area to my liking. I feel that I would fit in well and could contribute much to your design efforts. I would be very pleased if you were to include me on your team. I will look forward to your decision.

Letter #4:
Thank you for allowing me to show you our new product yesterday. I appreciated the time you took from your busy schedule. I hope you found my presentation useful and that you could see how our program can be of great value in your accounting department. I will call next week to get your reaction to it and to see if we can schedule another time when I can make a presentation to some of the other key people in your department.

تشکر بعد از انجام مصاحبه

Letter #5:
Thank you for taking the time to meet with me yesterday. I enjoyed our interview and was especially pleased to learn more about how you came to choose your particular career path. As you know, the article is intended for a young audience, and I am confident that the childhood experiences you shared with me will be of great interest to them.

I will, as I agreed, send you a copy of the article prior to publication.

تشکر انگلیسی برای مصاحبه را مطالعه نمودید. نمونه نامه های موضوعی زبان انگلیسیبیشماری روی سایت سلام زبان وجود دارند. در مکاتبات اداری و شخصی خود می توانید از آن ها ایده بگیرید.


نمونه رضایت نامه فروش به زبان انگلیسی

آزمون آنلاین سطح بندی کلاس زبان

دیدگاه‌ خود را بنویسید

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