مسئولیت پذیر بودن شخص

متن درباره مسئولیت پذیر بودن شخص.کسی را از مسئولیت های دلخواه رها کنید زیرا شخص دیگری به آنها احتیاج دارد. مسئولیت پذیری انسان.

Relieve someone from delegated responsibilities because someone else will assume them

Letter #1:
Upon the recommendation of our search committee, we have offered the position of Director in Hematology to Dr. Jane Doe. She has accepted the position and will take up her new duties with us April 14. We are keenly aware of the important service you have given while this position was vacant. Without your willingness to step in temporarily, I don’t know how we would have kept the ship afloat. Thanks to your selflessness and expertise, we averted serious problems that would otherwise have attended last winter’s unexpected vacancy in this position.

Dr. Doe comes to us from a two-year post at the Springfield Medical Park, where she is known for her scholarship, her professionalism, and her personable manner with patients and colleagues. I fully expect a smooth (and, because of you, maybe even seamless) transition as she assumes leadership at Hematology.

Thanks again for the important role you so ably played during this time of change. We are indebted to you for all you have done.

Letter #2:
I am very pleased with the way you have handled the temporary turmoil in the bagging section. Jane Doe, the new permanent manager, will arrive this Friday, and I would be happy if you would show her around. I am confident that this changeover will go smoothly and I hope you will be available to help if we have another crisis situation. Thank you.

Letter #3:
I want to thank you personally for the excellent job you did as acting manager of the Springfield branch. It is comforting to know that I can rely on you in an emergency. You will be pleased to know that after an extensive search, we hired Jane Doe to be the new branch manager. Jane comes to us from Centerville National Bank, where she managed their largest branch for over ten years. We were very lucky to hire her.

I am sure that you and Jane will work well together. She is fortunate to have such an accomplished assistant manager.

Letter #4:
Thank you for your loyalty and hard work these past two months. I appreciate that it must have been difficult for you to supervise the day crew, as well as doing your own work. You have done an admirable job of holding things together.

I am sure you will be relieved to hear that our new day crew supervisor, Jane Doe, will be starting next Monday. She has several years of experience with both pneumatic systems and team leadership. I am confident that you will enjoy working with her. I know I can rely on you to help her get settled into the job.

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