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نامه مخالفت به انگلیسی

متن درباره نامه مخالفت به انگلیسی. عدم موافقت. عدم توافق

Write a disagreement letter

متن نامه درباره مخالفت در زمینه های مختلف

Letter #1:
I have received the school’s notice requiring students to attend school on Saturday to compensate for days missed earlier this winter due to inclement weather. I understand that the school administration must ensure that the students attend a given number of school days and that Saturdays may be the only option between this late date and the end of the school year. However, two days notice prior to the make-up day is unsatisfactory, particularly when this weekend is a three-day holiday weekend.

I suggest you review your decision and either pick another Saturday or extend the school year one day. Our family, along with many others, has travel plans and our children will not attend this Saturday. It would be a pity if decisions such as this were to threaten the parents’ support of the school. I feel sure that after the administration is aware of parents’ concerns, they will reconsider this decision.

Letter #2:
I have received a notice that all access to my storefront will be cut off during the resurfacing of a small section of sidewalk half a block away, scheduled for May 12. Though this obstruction is only for a day, I operate on a small profit margin and cannot afford to close down in the middle of the week. In consideration of the fact that the sidewalk repair is taking place over 100 feet from my door, I request that access be granted. Safety should not be an problem, as no large machinery will be used and the area under repair has been effectively cordoned off for more than one week already. Please instruct the repair crew to open and mark a safe path from the curb to my storefront during the repairs. I feel certain that this is a solution that all of us in the Downtown Business Alliance will be happy with.

نامه مخالفت به انگلیسی

متن کامل سخنان مخالفت با دیگران

Letter #3:
I was deeply concerned to hear you say at last night’s board meeting that you had spoken to all of your co-workers about the situation, and that all were in agreement with your point of view. May I point out that I, and several others you spoke to, do not agree with you at all. I do not pretend to speak for anyone else, but I think it would be much better to continue with the current accounting system than to make major changes halfway through the year.

Your proposals may work, and they are no doubt worth investigating, but I feel there is no need to rush into changes that will increase our workload and may give rise to misunderstandings.

مقصود از مخالفت

Letter #4:
At my daughter’s last orthodontic appointment, 6 months after her first visit, she was told that her course of treatment has now been completed, and that she should simply wear her appliance as a retainer until her next appointment, which would not be scheduled for another six months.

The contract I signed stated clearly that her program of treatment would last for 18 months and would include the use of a twin block appliance. This is what I have been paying for and continue to pay for. It appears that an error has been made. Either she does not need the additional treatment which was originally outlined, in which case I should not have to pay for it, or she does need it, and has some months more of treatment to undergo.

Please review her records and let me know what the situation is, and whether our contract is still in force.

نامه پاسخ به اتهام

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