پیگیری بررسی تصمیمات

متن درباره پیگیری بررسی تصمیمات.پس از جلسه برای بررسی تصمیمات و تکالیف پیگیری کنید

Follow up after a meeting to review decisions and assignments

Letter #1:
Our meeting on September 17 proved to be a very productive step toward strengthening and the University’s General Education program. In addition to getting a better understanding of why the program needs strengthening, we were successful in organizing three important subcommittees to get the work going. Suzanne Johnson will head the subcommittee responsible for handling student and faculty surveys, while Jane Doe will head the subcommittee that will draft the initial proposal for the Academic Vice President’s office. In addition, John Doe will head a subcommittee that will evaluate the effectiveness of alternate tracks.

We will meet again on October 18 for these committees to present their initial reports. Let me say that I sincerely appreciate the good will and willingness to serve that I sense from each of you.

Letter #2:
At Tuesday’s meeting, the planning committee discussed this year’s company picnic, and decided to accept John’s suggestion to hold it in the Doe Woods. I personally think it is a wonderful place, especially for families. We appreciate so many of you accepting assignments to help out. Jane will determine whether the area is available on August 21, and she will handle the publicity. Robert will organize a committee to handle our entertainment needs, with the goal of providing fun activities for all ages. Beth will look into the our catering options. We will meet next Tuesday, May 17, at 10:00 a.m. in the conference room to hear your reports and make our final plans.

بررسی، هماهنگی و تصمیم گیری در خصوص روابط اقتصادی و …

Letter #3:
Home owners in the Cove met on Wednesday evening to discuss the City’s proposal to reroute all traffic currently on Main Street through our residential neighborhood. As you know such a change would have a devastating effect on the tranquility that we now enjoy; it would create safety hazards for our children, and would severely impact our property values. We all agreed we must take steps to prevent this unwise proposal from being accepted.

We are grateful to John Doe who has volunteered to draft a petition to forcefully express our concerns to the City Council. We hope that each of you will add your signature to the final draft. John and Jane have agreed to present our position to the City Council at their 7:00 p.m. meeting on November 17. Please plan to attend that meeting to make your desires known. I hope we can fill the room. This may be our only chance to stop this folly before we regret it.

پیگیری بررسی تصمیمات

چطور به تصمیمات و اهدافتان متعهد بمانید؟

Letter #4:
According to the minutes of the homeowners’ meeting, the following individuals have committed to monitor the following duties for this year:

Eric — lawn and grounds maintenance

John — road repairs

Jane — RV storage and parking

Ashley — homeowners’ dues and fees

Steve — condominium exterior repairs

Each person is responsible for these duties for this year. At next year’s duty assignment meeting the chores will grace yet another lucky recipient. Keep on it vigilant homeowners and thanks for your efforts!

Letter #5:
Our production meeting on Tuesday yielded several possible solutions to our declining profits. Key was John Doe’s suggestion that we infuse management with some new life in the form of a couple of new managers. Please ready the files on your three best candidates, either from your department or from your hiring pool. We will review everyone’s choices at next Tuesday’s meeting and begin interviews Thursday.

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