اعطای ارتقا یا افزایش حقوق Grant a Promotion or Raise

Sample Letter #1

Congratulations! Your hard work has paid off! After carefully reviewing your performance reports, the board has voted unanimously to promote you to the position of office manager.

This promotion will entitle you to a 10% salary increase and an office in the management suite. We will outline your additional duties and responsibilities in our advisory committee meeting next Wednesday. In the meantime, I suggest you start moving into your new office.

The board trusts that you will tackle this new challenge with the same efficiency and diligence that has characterized all your other work. We feel that you will do a fine job and wish you every success in this new position.

Sample Letter #2

On behalf of management, I congratulate you on your performance record during your probationary period. You have met our expectations and have surpassed the average scores in every category. Therefore, we are pleased to lift your probation and welcome you as our permanent employee.

This change of status means a $4,000 annual raise and a full benefits package, effective immediately. For the time being, your responsibilities remain exactly the same, but you will no longer have a trainer to double-check your work.

Thank you for your enthusiasm. I am confident that you will enjoy great success with Doe Corporation.

Sample Letter #3

It is my pleasure to inform you that you have been selected as the new team leader for development. This significant step on your career path will bring you additional responsibilities, job satisfaction, and financial rewards. Please report to Jane Doe on Monday, and she will brief you on your new responsibilities. Jane has been very impressed with your work and is confident that we will all benefit from your advancement. Congratulations on your new assignment!

Sample Letter #4

It is my pleasure to inform you that you are being promoted to the position of district sales manager. Along with the increased responsibility comes a 10% salary increase and a move to corporate headquarters in Springfield. We at Doe have noted your contributions in sales and leadership. We are confident that you will show the same high level of performance in the northeast sales district. Keep up the good work!

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