تایید درخواست نامه های قبلی

متن درباره تایید درخواست نامه های قبلی.تصدیق نامه های قبلی. تاکید رسید نامه های قبلی

Request confirmation of receipt of earlier mailings

Letter #1:
On March 3 my secretary sent the building contract to your office by priority mail, but we have received no response. I am concerned that it may not have arrived. Will you please notify us as to whether you have received it? If not, I will gladly send a copy.

تایید درخواست نامه های قبلی

عبارات رایج در نامه های رسمی انگلیسی

Letter #2:
On Tuesday, February 6, 2002, I mailed check #123 in the amount of $936.00 to Springfield Mortgage Services, but neglected to include my payment receipt on which I had indicated that I wanted the extra $300 to be credited to my loan principal.

Would you please to send me confirmation that my check was received and that $636.00 was credited as my monthly payment and that $300.00 extra was credited to principal.

Thank you for your kind attention. I regret any inconvenience I may have caused.

Letter #3:
I sent you four editorial cartoons two weeks ago for publication in your magazine. Each dealt with the recent political mess in Springfield. I sent them “return receipt requested,” yet I have not received the return receipt. I am worried that the cartoons may have been lost in the mail. Could you please let me know if you received them? Thank you.

Letter #4:
I sent in a gift subscription to your magazine for Jane Doe in June. It is now August, and Jane informs me that she has not received a notice of the gift, nor has she received any copies of the magazine. Since I have not yet received a bill for the gift, I am concerned that you may not have received my postcard. Please contact me immediately regarding the subscription.

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