تشکر برای لطف کسی

متن درباره تشکر برای لطف کسی. از کسی بخاطر مرحمت تشکر کنم. لطف داشت کسی. تشکر انگلیسی برای توجه کسی. نامه نگاری لطف کسی.

thank someone for a favor

Letter #1:
I want you to know how much I appreciate your taking care of little Eric on Tuesday. It is rare to find such kind friends, especially ones who you can call at the last minute. With your help I was able to get to my doctor’s appointment on time and get the medication I needed.

I’m glad we’ve become such good friends. I really think the world of you and your entire family. Call me when you need a favor.

تشکر برای لطف کسی

Letter #2:
Thank you for your kindness last Saturday. After my accident I was worried about how I could water the Doe’s lawn while they were on vacation. It will be two months before I can resume my normal duties, but I certainly want to return the favor. Thanks for being such a great friend.

Letter #3:
Thank you for helping with the Clean-up Campaign. Your generosity meant a lot to the other volunteers, and your energy and positive attitude helped us get the facilities painted in record time. Thanks for being such a good friend to the Shelter. We will never forget your example.

Letter #4:
Thank you very much for coming in last Saturday to help us get our new product shipped on time. It was close, but we met our deadline, thanks to you and the others who gave up part of their weekend to help out. Your dedication and hard work are greatly appreciated. Employees like you are what make the Doe Corporation great!

جملات زیبا برای تشکر و قدردانی از افراد مختلف زندگیتان

Letter #5:
Thank you so much for allowing me to use your overhead projector when mine gave problems last week. My presentation would have suffered greatly without it. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

I hope that I can return the favor if you ever need assistance.

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