پرش به محتوا

تصمیم برای عدم پرداخت

متن درباره تصمیم برای عدم پرداخت. اقدامات علیه مشتری برای عدم پرداخت. تصمیم گرفتن درباره مشتری.  راهکارهایی برای عدم انجام پرداخت

Announce your intention to take aggresssive action against a customer for failing to make payment

Letter #1:
We are disappointed you have not taken care of your account with our company. You now have two options: Forward your payment to our office by July 15, or become a party in a legal action. A court judgment may add court costs to your obligation. A judgment against you will also damage your credit record.

تصمیم برای عدم پرداخت

Letter #2:
Your account remains seriously delinquent. You must make full payment now to avoid further collection action.

When we receive your check or money order payable to Doe Corporation, we will then stop all collection activity on your account. Act immediately and preserve your credit.

Letter #3:
As you may expect, I am demanding payment of your overdue account of $542.87. Regardless of my efforts to resolve the issue of the debt, you have neither paid anything on the account nor notified me of a problem. Unless I have your payment in my office in three days from the date of this letter, I am turning over your account to the Doe Collection Agency. Your valuable credit may be adversely affected as a result of your failure to pay or respond.

عدم پرداخت اقساط وام

Letter #4:
Your account remains seriously past due. We have not received a payment for over 90 days, and you have not responded to our inquiries. If a minimum payment of $100 is not received in our office by May 5, 2002, we will turn your account over to a collection agency.

عدم پرداخت عوارض

Letter #5:
We are disappointed that you have not taken the initiative to make reasonable arrangements to resolve your delinquent balance. If we have not received payment in full of the entire delinquent balance by July 1, 2002, your file will be referred to our attorney for possible legal action. If you wish to avoid legal action against your company and the possibility of incurring court costs, attorney’s fees, and considerable inconvenience, remit certified funds for $2,500.00 or contact me at 555-5555 to discuss reasonable arrangements to do so. If this matter is not resolved by July 1, 2002, all further correspondence will need to be made through our attorney.

نامه انگلیسی پرداخت

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