تصویب حضور در کنفرانس و یا سمینار Approve Attendance at a Conference or Seminar

Sample Letter #1

I am pleased to notify you that we have decided to send you to the Doe conference on the weekend of June 3 to June 6. We recommend that you take along your assistant, Robert Johnson, as well.

Upon your return, I would like you to give the department a workshop based on the information you gathered at the conference. We are eager to get as much information as we can on new strategies in research and development. Have a great trip!

Sample Letter #2

Your attending the Springfield Symposium sounds like a very good idea. I will notify Jane, and she will make the necessary travel arrangements. Be prepared to give us a full report when you return. Have a great trip!

Sample Letter #3

I am pleased to grant your request to attend the Springfield International Teachers’ Conference next month. Please see me for a copy of the district’s business travel guidelines. We’re glad to have you represent our district at this conference and we’ll be waiting to grill you on the latest teaching techniques and gossip when you return.

Sample Letter #4

Enclosed is your ticket to the Middle School Teaching Seminar in Springfield on May 21. Please return prepared to brief us on what you have learned—and enjoy yourself.

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