پرش به محتوا

توبیخ کارمند برای غیبت

متن درباره توبیخ کارمند برای غیبت. سرزنش کارمند برای دیرکرد. توبیخ کارمند برای تاخیر ورود

Reprimand an employee for poor attendance or tardiness

Letter #1:
I regret to inform you that you must either be on time to the daily sales meetings or begin looking for a new job. My records show that you have been late to the last ten meetings by an average of 20 minutes. Such attendance is disruptive and discourteous. The meetings begin promptly at 8:30 a.m. I suggest you arrive at 8:25, so there will be no question about your punctuality.

I am confident you can adjust you schedule to be on time. If you have any reason for not being able to meet this schedule, let me know at once.

توبیخ کارمند برای غیبت

Letter #2:
Because you have been late for work four times this week, I must warn you that I have noticed the behavior and expect it to stop. It is important that you arrive on time to count your till and straighten the merchandise before the doors open at 10:00 a.m.

Please organize your morning routine so you can arrive five minutes before your scheduled shift. When you arrive, check in with me at my office. I am sure you will be able to rectify this problem with a little more effort.

نامه توبیخ پرسنل اداری.بررسی برخورد قانون با کارمند متخلف

Letter #3:
It has come to my attention that you have been late arriving on the job site three of the five days last week, and that this has been your habit over the last month. The homeowner, Mrs. Walfield expressed concern over this to me this morning. This tardiness affects Springfield Construction’s relationship with our clients just as much as it does our relationship with our carpenters. Any further customer complaints of tardiness may result in your dismissal. I am confident that this reprimand will be the end of the problem.

مجازات کارمند برای نقض سیاست

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