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شکایت درباره کارمند

متن درباره شکایت درباره کارمند. شکایت در مورد یک کارمند که خدمات ضعیف یا تهاجمی را داده است. شکایت از کارمند بابت حمله. شکایت به خاطر خدمات ضعیف

complaint about an employee who has given poor or offensive service

Letter #1:
I think you should be aware of the language that one of your employees is using in the children’s shoe department. His identification tag shows the name John. I was shocked to hear him repeatedly refer to some children with words such as “bastards” or “dwarfs.” I couldn’t believe my ears. He seemed to think it was funny. I don’t know how many people he has offended, but I found it so offensive that I don’t want to go into that part of the store again.

I personally feel he has no place interacting with the public when he lacks the most basic sense of propriety and kindness. Whatever action you decide to take, my daughter and I are certainly willing to act as witnesses.

شکایت درباره کارمند

Letter #2:
For several weeks I have experienced such rude treatment from one of your tellers that I refuse to tolerate it any longer. Each time I try to make a transaction through Ms. Doe, she acts as though I were an annoyance. In one instance, she said she has “no patience in dealing with such petty transactions.”

I trust that you will speak to her about polite customer service. If she continues to have this attitude, I will move my accounts to another bank. Customers are not an annoyance; we are the ones who pay her salary.

راهکار شکایت حقوقی از کارمندان متخلف

Letter #3:
This afternoon I phoned your business for help. A woman identifying herself as Jane Doe answered the phone and proceeded to talk in a most rude and vulgar manner. The words she used are commonly referred to by their first letter by people with manners. I doubt that she is typical of your employees; however, I think that someone should talk to her soon before your business suffers. All of us need to learn something new occasionally. I guess it is her turn.

شکایت در مورد پخش

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