فروش به زبان انگلیسی

متن درباره فروش به زبان انگلیسی. حراجی


Letter #1:
Dear (name),

Thanks for visiting with me at our booth at the recent Automotive Show. I enjoyed our conversation.

As promised, I have enclosed a brochure with some information on our line of hub caps. These are especially popular with the 19-35 age group, which seems to be your target customer.

Check out the charts on our Atlanta dealer whose store is much like yours. Note his high sales volume. My feeling is that you will experience similar success.

I will be in town next week and would love to sit down with you to review the possibilities. I’ll call for an appointment. Again, thanks for your interest.


فروش به زبان انگلیسی

نمایندگان فروش

Letter #2:
Dear (name),

In our ongoing efforts to provide your association premiere services, help your members save money, and become the top Toyota dealer in the state, I would like to offer your association the following:

*(describe offering and special prices and terms)

We have a big selection of this and last year’s models in stock. If we make the arrangements up front, I can knock off the destination charges. If you have any questions, or if I can be of service to your association or any of your members, please don’t hesitate to contact me!


پیش فروش های عادی

Letter #3:
Dear Student,

Has it come to riding a bike or taking a bus?

Before you throw in the towel on owning a car while you are in college, come down to Doe Used Cars.

Our mechanics can make lemonade out of lemons. We have been providing reliable transportation to the students at (name) University for over15 years! We carry a wide selection of inexpensive, used cars. They may not be pretty but we guarantee that they will run well.

Take a few minutes and come down to visit us. We know we can get you into something better than a bike!

Doe Used Cars is located at (address), or call us at 555-5555.


عوامل مجاز فروش

Letter #4:
Dear (Name):

Considering a new car purchase within the year? Unsure of the manufacturers’ hype? Wish you had all the financing options at your fingertips?

Doe Car Review is a newsletter that can answer each of these questions, as well as keep you informed on impartial car reviews. Doe Car Review digs deeper into car buying than any other publication. Some of our recent newsletters have included articles on:

*(list interesting article titles)

Each information-packed newsletter gives you the knowledge and tools you need to make informed car-buying decisions, and keeps you up-to-date on trends and reviews–all for the low cost of $19.95 per year.

Call us toll-free (800) 555-5555 to subscribe. Don’t miss an issue.

Subscribe today and stay informed.


فروش ویژه

Letter #5:
Dear (name):

Thanks for inquiring about the music featured in our new television commercial for the totally redesigned Doe Car. Because so many of you wanted to know about the song (which was, in fact, written specifically for the commercial) we enclosed an extended CD version.

Sometimes everything just comes together. When you’re driving a Doe Car, it’s almost as if the whole world around you falls into sync. That’s because our cars are first and foremost driver’s cars. They’re designed to encourage a style of driving that really lets you feel the road and how you’re connected to it all. The seats are firmer. The hood slopes down and away so you can see more of the road. The gauges are clear and simple. Practicality, safety and value have been blended together with a great design, performance and handling in every model. If that’s what you’re about, then you’ve come to the right car company.

Of course we don’t want you to just take our word for it. The best way is to drive a Doe Car for yourself.


شکستن مرزهای فروش: گام‌هایی کاملا عملی برای افزایش فروش

Letter #6:
Dear Mr. (Name):

Would you keep a Ferrari in a carport? Why would you winterize your expensive boat in your driveway?

This winter, don’t trust your boat to a canvas covering or a cold mini-storage unit. For just a few dollars more, you can store your boat at Doe Boat Storage. Boat storage is not a sideline for us. We specialize in indoor and outdoor boat storage. Treating your boat right is our entire business.

We have storage stalls in every size to meet your specific needs. Security gates only respond to your special code, and video cameras constantly watch every inch of our facilities. And, with our on-site boat ramp and service center, you will be ready to hit the water the first day of summer. Call us at 555-5555 for a complete tour.


بخشنامه فروش و لیست قیمت

Letter #7:
Save $$$ Buying Your New Car!

Learn How to Negotiate and Save $500–$3,000 or More

100% Guaranteed

Dear Friend,

Do you know how to save $500 to $3,000 when buying your new car?

Learn little-known money-saving negotiation strategies that car dealers don’t want you to know.

Several years ago a friend was on his way to buy a new car. He invited me to watch him as he convinced the salesman to sell him a new car for $3,000 below the sticker price. I thought he was crazy. $3,000? Nobody gets that kind of deal. But, my friend insisted that he could do it.

My jaw dropped when I saw what happened! From the moment the salesman introduced himself, my friend took complete control. Before I knew it, the salesman was treating us as if his job depended on selling a car on my friend’s terms.

For a couple of hours, I was dazzled as my friend negotiated and worked his magic. And he was having fun in the process! Before I knew it, the Sales Manager had emerged and was congratulating my friend on purchasing a new car–at $3,000 below the sticker price–just as he said he would do!

I thought my friend was just lucky. But I wanted to see if these strategies would work for me. So, earlier this year, I went to a car dealer to see if I could duplicate my friend’s results. To my amazement, my friend’s strategy worked for me! Within half an hour, I was able to convince the salesman to lower his price by $1,500.

I realized that my friend had an easy-to-learn, winning strategy that most people don’t know.

Now, I am going to share these secrets with you. I have written everything in an easy-to-read book called, “John’s Car-buying Secrets” that will teach you everything that you need to know.

I can’t say exactly how much money you’ll save, but if you do what I teach you, you could save between $500 and $3,000 and I am sure that you will be pleased with the results.

(Order information)

Yours truly,

P.S. Don’t try to buy a new car without first reading “John’s Car-buying Secrets.”

شرایط فروش. فروش چیست؟بهترین سایت خرید و فروش.فروش اینترنتی.فروش اقساطی.آموزش فروش و تکنیکهای فروشندگی حرفه ای

Letter #8:

When was the last time you purchased a car for only 5 dollars? Well, as crazy as it might sound, Doe Toyota has confirmed that they will be holding a $5 Used Car and Truck Sale this weekend, August 12th-13th.

“Due to the huge success of our July 4th sale, we are overstocked with used vehicles,” said John Doe, general sales manager at Doe Toyota. “A lot of these vehicles are lease returns with certified factory warranties. We have extraordinary low prices on all of our factory subsidized trades starting as low as $5.”

You can’t find prices like these even at the auctions. It’s a great opportunity for anyone looking for a used vehicle. But prices are on a first come, first served basis. “There will be no bidding or haggling,” says Doe.

The selection is great in every price range. Several cars will be sold between $5 and $3,000. Some more used vehicles are priced in the low price range of $3,000 to $5,000, and 20 more are priced between $6,000 and $8,000. This sale will last only 2 days and is limited to used vehicles currently on our lot. All used vehicles will be reduced dramatically.

There’s just no better time to buy! Doors will open at 12:00 noon on Friday and at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday. Factory-certified sales representatives will be on hand to make your car buying experience the most enjoyable ever.

Doe Toyota believes in word-of-mouth advertising and wants each and every customer to be pleased. We want to make car buying a no-hassle, great-car-for-a-great price experience! All cars have been pre-inspected by Doe Toyota’s Car Care Center.

Any questions regarding this sale can be directed to John Doe at 555-5555.

For immediate credit approval, call our Hotline at 555-1234.

No dealers please. One car per family.

Participants must be at least 18 years old with a valid driver’s license.

Two cars per day will be sold at $5 plus tax, title, and document fees.

Short Answer

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