قرار گرفتن در معرض رسانه

متن درباره قرار گرفتن در معرض رسانه.تشکر از کسی برای قرار گرفتن در معرض رسانه. تشکر انگلیسی برای رسانه.

thank someone for media exposure

Letter #1:
We would like to express our gratitude for your excellent coverage of our grand opening. The positive exposure you gave our firm on the local news segment provided the community with a nice introduction to our goals and services. The entire staff appreciated the professionalism with which your news team handled both the interview on our premises and the final studio presentation. Customer response has dramatically increased since your newscast. We hope to maintain this upward momentum with quality service at reasonable prices. As one of the smaller firms in this area, we are indeed grateful for your willingness to include us in your coverage. Please extend our thanks to everyone involved.

Letter #2:
Thank you for including my letter to the Editor, titled “Doe Waging War,” in your Sunday paper. I appreciate your willingness to publish a candid response to such a controversial issue. I feel passionately about the stand I have taken and am grateful to you for allowing my voice to be heard. Again, I thank you for having the courage to publish a response counter to popular opinion.

Letter #3:
The Doe Society would like to thank you for your generous help in locating volunteers to donate blood. Our need for donors has skyrocketed in recent months due to extensive help given to earthquake victims and an otherwise general shortage in the blood supply. To meet our ever increasing demand for blood donors, we must rely on radio stations like yours to reach the public. Thanks for helping us get this drive off to such a good start.

رسانه و سبک زندگی فردی

Letter #4:
We at Doe’s would like to thank you for your favorable review of our new restaurant. We have worked hard to make our new rooftop addition a fine dining experience, and your complimentary review has helped us gain many new patrons. As a token of our appreciation, we would like to present your staff with a complimentary lunch at Doe’s. Call Jane at 555-5555 to schedule a reservation.

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