مثل بسم الله برای جن به انگلیسی

Like a red rag to a bull

Like a red rag to a bull

A cause of anger; to be ​certain to ​produce an ​angry or ​violent ​reaction; if a statement or an action is like a red rag to a bull, it makes someone very angry; something that will cause an angry or violent reaction; an object, utterance, or act which is certain to provoke someone.

باعث عصبانیت، محرک، هیجان آور، باعث در آمدن حرص یا کفر کسی، بانی کفری شدن کسی، سبب دلخوری، سبب خشم شدید، مثل بسم الله برای جن، مانند پارچه قرمز برای گاو وحشی.

To a bank manager, carelessness in money matter is like a red rag to a bull.

بی قیدی در مسائل مالی، کفر رئیس بانک را درآورد.

Like a red rag to a bull

:More examples

Don’t ​tell him you’re a ​vegetarian – it’s like a red ​rag to a ​bull.

For Claire, the suggestion of a women-only committee was like a red rag to a bull.

“It was like a red rag to a bull when Samantha heard John say that men should be paid more than women.”

“Don’t tell him you support Manchester United – it’s like a red rag to a bull!”

the refusal to discuss the central issue was like a red rag to a bull.


[three-asterisks]Usage notes: Some people believe that bulls become very angry when they see the color red.

Possibly refers to the red cape used by matadors in bullfighting.

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