مشاور املاک

متن درباره مشاور املاک. اموال. ملک. حقیقی. راستین

Real Estate

Letter #1:
Dear (name):

Picture this. You are looking out your office window across the green at the beautiful Fair Oaks Golf Course. You check your watch. Time to leave for your flight. No problem. The golf course is adjacent to the airport.

I’m sure you have heard of the new “Doe Office Complex on the Green.” Now that Phase I is nearing completion, it’s time to enjoy a guided tour. Your new office space would be a part of the greater complex with such amenities as:’

*(list special features)

What a place to work!

To set up a time to see for yourself, call 555-5555.

Letter #2:

is the standard of my business. Quality, service, integrity and reliability–Doe Homes lives by these words.

Doe Homes builds the best home for your budget. Upon each finished home, we affix a plaque. Our name is on that plaque; we stand behind our home and know that it represents our best effort.

And that doesn’t end the day you move into your new home. Doe Homes promises that should you have a question or problem, we will continue to provide dedicated service.

Doe Homes is a full-service custom homebuilder. Our services include:

*(list services)

We take great pride in our customer’s being satisfied with our quality craftsmanship. A Doe Home is a choice for a lifetime. I look forward to working with you to help you realize your dream!


مشاور املاک

Letter #3:
Dear Doe Meadows Resident:

I drove by your home recently and stopped to admire it. The homes built in the 1970’s had a distinctive look that is still valued today. I know you’re proud of it.

But have you considered a remodeling project? Many owners of 1970’s era homes have updated their homes, while still maintaining the look that makes their homes unique. All the modern conveniences are included. The result is efficiency and beauty.

To see what I mean, come by our open houses this weekend:

*(list several locations)

These are just a few of our remodeling projects. Doe Home Remodeling is a remodeling leader in (city). Phone us for a free estimate: 555-5555.


P.S. Remember, remodeling typically adds more value to your home than it costs.

Letter #4:
“Let’s get out of the smog and into the sunshine of Doe Hamlet.”

Dear Retiree:

You’ve worked hard all your life. Isn’t it about time you stepped away from the city air and into country living?

Doe Hamlet is an entirely new idea for retired couples. Unlike apartment houses, Doe Hamlet is a retirement community of homes.

To fully appreciate Doe Hamlet, you really have to take a tour. Each home includes:

*(list features)

Plus, the amenities are fabulous!

*(list amenities)

You can either choose to rent or purchase your home.

I’d like to give you a guided tour of our facilities, have you attend an interesting lecture, and have you and your spouse as our dinner guests–all on us, and completely obligation free. For reservations and more information, simply phone 555-5555 today. I’m looking forward to getting acquainted.


Letter #5:
Breath taking views. . .

Home Office:(give number)

Cell Phone: (give number)

Email: (give email address)

Dear (Name):

Whatever your real estate needs . . .

I make the experience fulfilling!

I sincerely listen to your needs as we work toward your real estate goals. Let me know your price range, your dreams and desires, your wants and needs in real estate, and I can turn them into reality.

I can help you relocate to any area of your choice. My experience is in (location). I am also part owner of Doe Construction, where we build custom homes and log homes. Give us a call to help you build your “Dream Home.”

Whatever your dream . . .

Building a “dream home”

Finding an existing “charmer”

A ranch or farm in the plains or mountains

Commercial building

Let me go to work for you!

Letter #6:
Dear Student,

Feel trapped? Do your roommates snore, dirty up the bathroom, store text books in the refrigerator?

Let Doe Apartment Finders locate a nice, quiet place just for you. We list hundreds of affordable apartments close to campus. Here are some that we are offering today:

*(list apartments)

We will find you the apartment in just the right area for just the right price.

Our service is free, so call us today at 555-5555.


Letter #7:
Dear (name):

You’ve worked hard all your life. Isn’t it time you gave yourself a reward?

Doe Planned Communities announces an exciting new seniors-only community built in the countryside of (place). Your maintenance-free home and yard ranges from one-bedroom homes at $99,000 to three-bedroom homes at $159,000. Our low yearly membership fee covers the upkeep and community facilities. You just enjoy all the pleasures.

Our community has beautiful facilities:

*(list facilities)

Choose your own design and floor plan with the generous budget included in the construction price. After you read through the enclosed catalog, come by for a visit. Our community office is located at (address), and our hours are (times and days).

We know you will love living in a community created just for you.


Letter #8:
Just a note to remind you that I’m still very active in the real estate market.

If you come across anyone who is thinking of buying or selling, I would greatly appreciate a call. You can be assured that I will do my best to help them and to justify your confidence in me.

Please call me during business hours, Monday through Friday at 555-5555, or after hours at (number).

Letter #9:
Dear Business Owner:

What’s Your Business Worth?

An appraisal from Doe Business Brokers is free and Confidential.

If you are thinking about selling your business but aren’t sure what it’s worth, return the enclosed postage-paid card today. An initial appraisal is yours FREE for the asking. No cost. No obligation.

Let’s face it. It’s hard to know just how much a business is worth in today’s fast-changing market.

* Price it too high and you’ll get no takers.

* Price it too low and you’re likely to miss out on thousands of dollars.

To compound the problem, you can’t go by what other businesses in your area are selling for. Every business is unique.



We help you to find a buyer privately–without anyone knowing you are thinking about selling.

Here’s how:

* (list 3-5 features)

But get this:


No matter the size or type of your business, here’s the easy and private way to locate a buyer who is willing to pay your price.


First, let us provide you an initial appraisal at no cost or obligation. If you then decide to register your business with us, great! If not, you’ll still come out ahead. You’ll know what your business is worth.

Act today by mailing in the postage-paid card.


P.S. We don’t limit our search for a buyer to your local area. There may be a buyer elsewhere who will pay more.

Letter #10:
Buying Real Estate–Ten Common Mistakes!

Dear Friend:

I have been in real estate since 1980 and have seen thousands of experienced and first-time home buyers, as well as their agents, make common mistakes. Some of these pitfalls have cost the buyer a bundle. I have even seen real estate mistakes cause the breakup of friendships and marriages!

For these reasons, I compiled a list of the most common real estate mistakes. Many of my clients have commented that everyone should have this information. They say, “John, you need to get this out to everybody!” So I asked myself, what is the best way to get this information out to as many people as possible? Of course, the Internet is the answer. That’s how Doe Real Estate Information began.

I have compiled a book called, “Buying Real Estate–Ten Common Mistakes.” This book can save you thousands of dollars in mistakes. It covers ten common blunders that buyers make. You will learn a multitude of money-saving tips, buying strategies, how to easily avoid mistakes, and more. This concise and organized information will show you:

* (list prominent features)

and much, much more!

I highly recommend this book to my clients and customers because of the valuable information it contains. Because I am usually the one who has to fix these mistakes if they happen, it also makes my job easier when my clients are knowledgeable. Even one tip in my book could save you thousands of dollars. After reading this book you will probably know more about buying real estate than many agents!

I am offering it to you at no risk. If you are completely happy with the information, just return it for a full refund. Order now!


John Doe

P.S. Don’t be foolish when it comes to buying your next home. Learn these inexpensive tips and secrets, and save! Also, remember the no risk guarantee: if you don’t save money, time, or your nerves by reading this book, I will fully refund your money, no questions asked. So order today.

Letter #11:
Dear Renter,

Do you think that owning a home will always be out of your reach? Well, think again! Now is the time. Interest rates are great and we have low down payment plans that can accommodate almost any situation.

Doe Estates has just announced Phase I of its new 150-home development.

*(describe setting, lot size, amenities)

Imagine raising your family in a beautiful setting near good schools and shopping centers. What could be better?

Qualifying for a loan has never been easier. Enclosed is a detailed brochure containing pictures of the property. Call us today to speak with an agent: 555-5555. This Phase I is going fast. Act now. You could be living in your own home within 30 days!


Letter #12:
Dear (Name),

Stress is trying to sell your present home while buying another one. Doe Real Estate can help.

We have served (city) for more than 15 years. Our success rate is one of the highest of any local company. We sell fast and for more. And we also guarantee that if we can’t sell your home within six months, we’ll buy it from you. What have you got to lose?

Check out our enclosed brochure. Doe Real Estate is the market leader for a good reason. Call 555-5555. Hand us the stress of selling. We can handle it.


Letter #13:
How To Operate A Real Estate Business…WITHOUT A LICENSE!

Dear Friend,

After being a 25-year Real Estate professional, I discovered a secret that I must share with you!

This Real Estate loophole allows the average person to start and operate a Real Estate business without a license! That’s right! The most astounding fact is you get to keep all of the money. You’ll never have to split your commissions with another Real Estate Agent or Broker.

Discover what agents don’t want you to know!

Here is some of what you will learn in this program:

*(List prominent information)

ORDER “How To Operate A Real Estate Business…WITHOUT A LICENSE.”

Call Now! 555-5555. Only $39.95 and shipping is included.

Letter #14:
Dear (name),

How would you like to be assured that you could sell your home for top dollar?

The team of Doe Brothers Realty includes two of (state) sales leaders. We consistently sell our clients’ homes for at least 95% of the listing price. We combine our years of experience and a proven marketing program to make up the most aggressive home selling system in the area.

We don’t have to tell you that the agent does make a difference. We will design a specific marketing plan to sell your property quickly for the highest possible value.

Our emphasis is on selling your home, not just listing it.


P.S. How soon could you move?

Letter #15:
Dear (name):

I noticed your “For Sale By Owner” and applaud your efforts. You are obviously an independent person who likes to be in control. I would like to ask you, however, to consider a team approach to selling your home.

When I work with homeowners, it is a partnership between the seller and me. My commitment is to provide you with a well-researched market analysis and develop an extensive marketing plan.

May I please request only 15 minutes of your time to interview for the job of selling your home? I will show you how our working together can be much more effective in promoting the sale of your home. I look forward to following up with you this week by phone.


Letter #16:
Dear Homeowner:

Considering refinancing? You will need an appraisal. But where do you do for a professional appraisal that will give you that maximum value of your home for the lowest cash outlay? Doe Appraisals is your answer.

Doe Appraisers squeeze out every penny of value in our fair and affordable appraisals. Our appraisers will tour your home, document everything, and seek out the best comparisons. Check us out–our services cost on average 15% less than our competitors.

We have enclosed an informative brochure. Call us when you are ready to refinance. 555-5555.

Letter #17:
Dear Home Buyer:

Have you considered building a new home but held back for lack of trust in a builder?

At John Doe Construction, we put our 26 years of experience on the line every time we build a new home.

Hello. I’m John Doe. I’m sure you’ve heard friends tell horror stories of their experiences hiring a builder who was never on time, did shoddy work, and went over budget. I’ve heard those stories, too. Sadly, it is true–there are some builders who give our profession a bad name. The distress that these “professionals” can cause a family often leaves long-term scars on relationships. I started my business in 1976 with the idea that I was in it for the long run and I would earn my reputation one satisfied customer at a time.

The result?

John Doe Construction is now one of the most respected home construction names in Utah. We were named Builder of the Year in 1996 and 1999; we have won three Judges’ Choice Awards; and we have consistently ranked in the top 3 of People’s Choice Awards in our entries in the Parade of Homes.


Because we insist on quality you can trust. Our ongoing business is dependent on your recommending us to your friends. We go the extra mile–literally. In fact, 99% of our customers would gladly choose us to build them another home. Our qualified staff, skilled craftsmen, and professional subcontractors have been with us for years. Our team prides itself in working closely with you during all stages of construction, listening to your needs, and paying meticulous attention to detail. You can count on us to handle everything from permits, designs, construction, and warranties. In every way, we strive to be true to our word and dependable.

We’ve worked hard to earn our outstanding reputation as one of Utah’s premier general contractors. We build with the goal of achieving the highest industry standards, using the finest materials, employing the best craftsmen, and delivering a home at a price you can afford.

At John Doe Construction I put my name on the company for a reason. I want you to feel so at peace that you could take a vacation during the construction process knowing you would come back to a wonderfully built home. That is my goal–to make you happy in the home I build you, and for you to enjoy it for many, many years.

I want to personally invite you to check us out–visit one of our subdivisions; ask a John Doe Construction homeowner about their experience with us and how they love their home. I know you’ll see that we are all that we claim. We, at John Doe Construction, want you as part of our family and we are ready to earn your trust.


John Doe

Managing Member

P.S. For a listing of prior homeowners, or a list of our current subdivisions, or if you would just like to sit down and visit with us concerning your needs, please contact us at 555-5555.

Letter #18:
Dear (name):

We all know how important it is to keep a company competitive, especially in the equipment rental industry. We know that profitability is a delicate balance of purchase price, depreciation, and repairs. Your mini-backhoe is a machine that would have obvious appeal to our subscribers.

Doe Rental Monthly gets the news out to a large, targeted audience who would be most interested in your product. For a modest fee, you can advertise with either a quarter, half, or full-page ad.

Doe Rental Monthly has the distinction of having the largest subscriber base in the Western States. And the magazine goes to the people who make the decisions to buy.

I’ve enclosed some informative information and a media packet. Check out our affordable advertising rates and I will contact you next week to answer any questions. I can show you how to dramatically increase your sales.


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