معنای پنهان یا ژرف چیزی را درک کردن به انگلیسی

Read between the lines

Definition: To pay attention to what is implied in writing or in speech.


to find hidden meanings.

معنای پنهان یا ژرف چیزی را درک کردن


to guess someone’s real feelings from something they say or write, when they do not tell you directly.

حدس زدن منظور کسی، متوجه شدن، فهمیدن منظور کسی


– If you read between the lines, this letter is really a request for money.

اگه درست متوجه شده باشی این نامه یک درخواست  برای پول


– If you read between the lines, you would have understood what he was implying.


– Steve isn’t very good at reading between the lines. You have to tell him exactly what you want.

دوزاریه استیو کج. قشنگ باید منظورت را بهش توضیح بدی


– Martha can read between the lines very well. She picks up on everything.


A short conversation with Read between the lines

A: “Did you read chapter three for our English class?”


B: “Yeah. I think the author was indicating that he was supporting the war.”


A: “Even though he said one thing, he meant another. You have to read between the lines to fully understand his stance.”

B: “That might be true. I should go read it again.”

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