پرش به محتوا

نامه تایید پرداخت

متن درباره نامه تایید پرداخت. نامه بودجه برای هزینه های متحمل شده. موافقت کردن با پرداخت. نامه سرمایه گذاری کردن

Approve payment or funding for expenses incurred

Letter #1:
I am pleased to approve your request for $4,000.00 for the new copiers. I agree with you. If we want to maintain a professional image, we cannot continue to ask our investors to share copies of handouts during quarterly meetings because our copy machines are down. Good call.

Please send the bills and receipts to accounting after you have made your selection.

نامه تایید پرداخت

Letter #2:
We have approved reimbursement of the costs incurred during the snow storm that necessitated your overnight stay in Springfield. Attached is a check for $152 covering the receipts you submitted.

Letter #3:
Please find enclosed a company check for $100 payable to the order of Doe International. This will cover the systems improvements you outlined in your request, per Doe’s itemized estimate.

Letter #4:
I spoke with accounting. The reimbursement for the expenses you listed on your “Costs Incurred” report will be included in your next salary check.

Letter #5:
The executive committee approved your trip to Springfield for the ABA Convention. The firm will cover the cost of the convention, including fees, room, meals, and travel, not to exceed $2,000. Use your business credit card and fill out an expense report when you return.

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