پرش به محتوا

نامه درخواست باز پرداخت

متن درباره نامه درخواست باز پرداخت. نامه انگلیسی بازپرداخت.

Request a refund or reimbursement

Letter #1:
Changes in my work assignment prevent me from attending the Training Conference on May 12-14 at the Springfield Resort. Please refund my registration and housing fee minus the service charge. A copy of my registration receipt is enclosed for your review.

Please send the refund check payable to Doe Associates to this address. I will order a copy of the Conference Proceedings separately. Thank you for your help with this unexpected change.

نامه درخواست باز پرداخت

Letter #2:
Please refund me $25.32. I purchased Doe’s Thigh Cream, “guaranteed to slim [my] thighs in two weeks or [my] money back.” It smelled nice but it didn’t work. I have enclosed the receipt to verify the purchase price. I’ll be expecting a check in the mail within two weeks.

Letter #3:
While I was out of town last month, I became ill and needed to consult a doctor who prescribed medication for me to take. The doctor accepted my insurance and will bill you, but the pharmacy requested that I pay in full for the antibiotic.

Please reimburse me $25.60, the amount I paid less the 10% I am responsible for. I have enclosed the receipt from the pharmacy.

Thank you.

Letter #4:
My clothing order arrived in good condition. I am delighted with the dress and the sweater, but the skirt does not suit me at all. I am returning it unworn, along with your statement, and would appreciate your crediting the $40.00 price of the skirt to the credit card I paid with originally. Thank you.

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