متن درباره نامه درخواست تصحیح صورتحساب.درخواست تصحیح خطای صورتحساب. درخواست اصلاح صورتحساب
Request correction of a billing error
Letter #1:
I have just received a bill for the cost of your self-improvement seminar that began on September 12. I signed up for the seminar and paid the initial fee of $25.00 on that date, but I withdrew for health reasons three days later on September 15. Your office agreed that I should receive a full refund of my initial payment, for which I was grateful. I am sure you will find a record of that check being sent to me.
I trust you will correct your records so that neither of us will be troubled by this again. I do hope to attend the seminar if it is held again in Springfield. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Letter #2:
My monthly cable bill just arrived in the amount of $28.60, $6.00 more than the usual charge of $22.60. I have not requested additional services and do not find any explanation for this additional charge. I have enclosed my check #902 for $28.60, but believe the added charge is an error. If it is, simply credit my account with the difference. Please let me know where the error lies. My telephone number is 555-5555.
Letter #3:
I received the bill for the repair your service representative made on my Doe clothes dryer. He told me the total cost would be $67.00, yet the bill is for $167.00. The repairman was at my home for only forty-five minutes. Hence, the bill seems excessive as well as incongruous with the quote he gave me. Please correct the error.
صورتحساب مشتركين.مشاهده و پرداخت صورتحساب
Letter #4:
I wish to register a complaint regarding the $5.00 charge on my phone bill from Doe Long Distance Companies. Since Doe is not my long distance carrier and to my knowledge has never provided me with any services whatsoever, I have requested that my bank stop the automatic payment on my phone bill. I am enclosing a check for the remaining $57.49 that I owe, and I request that you remove the Doe charge from my account.
Since this is not the first time I have received a charge from Doe, please investigate this error and inform me of the steps you are taking to avoid this problem in the future.
مکالمه در مورد صحبت کردن با رئیس اداره به زبان انگلیسی