پرش به محتوا

نامه شکایت از تبعیض

متن درباره نامه شکایت از تبعیض.پاسخ به شکایت از تبعیض یا آزار جنسی. نامه انگلیسی پاسخ به شکایت

Respond to a complaint of discrimination or sexual harassment

Letter #1:
We have just received your complaint alleging sexual harassment by one of our salesmen. We have begun an immediate investigation. Several steps are required by the Fair Practices Act. You will receive the results of our investigation within 20 working days. The idea that this is happening in our store has disturbed us greatly, and we want you to know that we will not tolerate sexual harassment in any form. Thank you for your letter.

نامه شکایت از تبعیض

Letter #2:
I have carefully reviewed your claim that your supervisor, John Doe, has been using his position of authority over you to encourage a personal relationship. Please know that I am concerned about this alleged problem within our company and that I am investigating your complaint, according to the policies and procedures outlined in your employee handbook.

Furthermore, in order to avoid difficult or uncomfortable circumstances, I am temporarily reassigning you to a new department until this matter is resolved. Please come to my office first thing tomorrow morning, so I can brief you on your temporary assignment.

.حرف مردم شکایت از فساد و تبعیض است

Letter #3:
I was distressed upon reading your complaint regarding the treatment you received from the shift manager. I am investigating her managerial style. I must talk with several co-workers and then speak to the legal department. You can expect to hear about the results in two weeks. The age discrimination you describe is a serious matter. I will look into it from many vantage points. Rest assured, no such discriminatory behavior will be tolerated in my production plant.

Letter #4:
I just received your disturbing complaint of sexual harassment and forwarded it to our human resources department for investigation. According to the procedures outlined in your Employee Handbook, you should hear from us within 20 days. If the problem you describe makes work uncomfortable for you, I am willing to reassign you until we resolve this matter–and it will be resolved.

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