متن درباره نامه لغو عضویت. اشتراک را لغو کنید. نامه نگاری لغو عضویت. کنسل کردن نامه عضویت
Cancel a membership or subscription
Letter #1:
Please cancel my membership in the Doe Security Society of Springfield. I am returning my membership pin and card. Poor health has made it difficult for me to maintain the Society’s schedule for continued certification. Please confirm my change in status by return mail. I will appreciate a partial refund of my annual dues.
Letter #2:
Please cancel my compact disc membership immediately. My account is 1234. Please do not send me any more brochures, magazines or advertisements. My account is paid up, and according to the terms of the contract, my written notice is sufficient to cancel my subscription.
Letter #3:
Please cancel my subscription to your magazine, National News. I have been dissatisfied with the depth of the news coverage, and would appreciate your returning my entire subscription amount, as promised in your warranty. I have enclosed a mailing label for your convenience.
Letter #4:
Our company will be moving from Springfield on July 1, and it is therefore necessary for me to cancel my membership in the Springfield Chamber of Commerce. I have enclosed my receipt for membership dues for the full year, and would appreciate receiving a refund of half of the amount.