پرش به محتوا

نامه یادآوری سازمان

متن درباره نامه یادآوری سازمان.یک عضو سازمان را به خاطر هزینه، وظیفه یا تعهد به یاد بیاورید. یادآوری سازمان بابت پرداخت هزینه

Remind an organization member to pay a fee , duty, or pledge

Letter #1:
Thank you for your generous pledge of $2,000 toward construction of the Doe Club House. The ground-breaking ceremony is scheduled for March 25, and we hope all pledges will be paid before that event. Please write your check now and forward it in the enclosed self-addressed envelope.

نامه یادآوری سازمان

Letter #2:
As you may be aware, quarterly club dues of $56.00 are to be paid by Saturday, April 13, 2002. Please send your check in the envelope enclosed. Thank you for your prompt attention.

Letter #3:
Thank you for your recent pledge of $500 to KSPR, Springfield’s only public radio station. Please mail your check in the envelope provided. Thank you for your generosity.

Letter #4:
It’s June again, and the yearly membership fee for our houseboat association are due. Because it is time for our five-year boat overhaul, the fees for this year are a little bit higher for each family. Please remit the amount shown on your statement in the enclosed envelope by July 1.

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