یک کله رفتن به انگلیسی

Make a bee-line for

Make a bee-line for

Go quickly or by the shortest way towards; go quickly and directly to somebody or something.

یکراست رفتن به، خود را مثل برق به جایی رساندن، کوتاهترین (نزدیکترین) راه را انتخاب کردن، یک کله رفتن به طرف، نزدیکترین و تند ترین راه را برای انجام کاری برگزیدن، راست شکم را گرفتن و رفتن.

As soon as I got to the party I made a bee- line for friends.

همینکه به مهمانی رسیدن خودم را یکراست نزد دوستانم رساندم.



In this expression, beeline means “the shortest distance between two points,” alluding to the route of worker bees bringing nectar and pollen back to the hive. [c. 1830 ]


Honey Bee Hive

suggest or call attention to indirectly; hint at.
“she had a way of alluding to Jean but never saying her name”


More examples:

I make a beeline to work when I am late.

You make a beeline to the bathroom when you really have to go.

He makes a beeline straight for the sports section of the newspaper because he really likes sports.

She makes a beeline to the shoe department when there is a sale.

It (the horse) makes a beeline to the water trough after a hot day.

We make a beeline to the local lounge on karaoke night.

You (all) make a beeline directly to the salad bar.

They make a beeline to the restaurant right after work.

Experienced surfers in the family will want to make a beeline for Moffat Beach, renowned for it’s awesome surf break.

Outside writers tend to supply editorials of the defend-a-position variety, which make a beeline toward a rousing (and foreordained) conclusion.

I used to travel a lot in the U.S. and would make a beeline to Target. It offers so much more and the people are wonderful.

Every time we went, I’d make a beeline for the leotards and dream a little dream about wearing one.

Scientists have worked out why mosquitoes make a beeline for certain people but appear to leave others almost untouched.

14) He’d arrive on his own and make a beeline for our luxury scones with clotted cream.

When you get to Cairo, make a beeline for the last remaining Wonder of the Ancient World — the Pyramids of Giza.

If a child gets hurt the first thing they do is make a beeline for their mother or father

We go there lots but usually make a beeline for the top part of the park where the playground is.

Little wonder serious international surfers make a beeline for Irish shores.

In the hospital, I make a beeline for the bathroom. My stomach is cramping.

I feel like a lot of bloggers just make a beeline straight for my email without even taking in any of the info on the page.

As soon as the concert is over, we should make a beeline for the car, because I don’t want to get stuck in traffic.

Roger made a beeline for the bathroom because he drank too much beer.

The audience started making a beeline for the exits because the movie was terrible.

As soon as the employees heard about the news of scrapping of the bonus policy, they made a beeline for the boss’s office.

He made a beeline for the refreshments.


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