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Apologize For Someone Else (Personal)0

Sample Letter #1

I am writing to apologize for the behavior of some members of our soccer team at the regional finals last week. We all know that emotions can get heated when close calls are made in intense games, but it does not excuse the language and behavior of some of our players.

I, too, was personally shocked and offended by their actions, which were a direct contravention of the values of dignity and good sportsmanship we teach in our school. The offending players are being disciplined, and will not have their athletic scholarships renewed. Please convey my personal apologies to the faculty and students of Doe College, for whom we have the utmost respect.

Sample Letter #2

I feel terrible about the damage John did to your garden. Being a gardener myself, I realize how much work you put into making it productive. I know I would be displeased if someone were to run carelessly through my carefully planted tomatoes. John feels bad about what he did, and although he cannot repair the damage, he says he wants to compensate you by doing yard work for you this fall. If you agree, I think this would be a good lesson for John.

Sample Letter #3

I apologize for the damage my son did to your screen door. John has delivered newspapers for two years and this is the first glass he has broken. He is embarrassed and understands your frustration. Will you please have the glass repaired and give me the bill. John will be over to personally apologize and pay for the repairs. You have been a good customer for John, and he looks forward to serving you as long as he has this paper route.

Sample Letter #4

I hope you will accept my sincere apology for the excessive noise my class made yesterday afternoon. They got so involved with the activity we were doing that they completely forgot about keeping their voices down, and I must admit that I got carried away as well. I’m sorry that we disturbed and distracted your class from their lesson. I will make a greater effort in the future to keep my class’s enthusiasm within acceptable limits.


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