موافقت با تعطیلات یا مرخصی Approve a Vacation or Leave of Absence

Sample Letter #1

We are happy to grant your leave request for October 16 through 22. Just be sure to discuss the Doe account with Jane before you go, so we can avoid any complications during your absence.

Have a good time.

Sample Letter #2

I am happy to approve your request for vacation leave from July 1 to July 12. You deserve a good break. Rest up and have a lot of fun. We will all benefit from your renewed energy.

Sample Letter #3

Please do take the leave you requested from November 13 to December 9. I certainly understand your desire for a break after the exhausting Doe project. Please see Jane if you have any paperwork concerns. And enjoy your vacation!

Sample Letter #4

Your paternity leave is approved. Thank you for warning us well in advance. We will be happy to leave the dates open—whoever heard of a baby arriving on its due date—but be sure to call us as soon as he arrives.

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