پرش به محتوا

برای پاسخ کسی متشکرم

متن درباره برای پاسخ کسی متشکرم. تشکر انگلیسی برای پاسخ دادن. نامه نگاری تشکر برای پاسخ کسی.

thank someone for a reply or response

Letter #1:
Dear (name),

After receiving your questions about my proposal, I have prepared the enclosed response. Please review it and feel free to contact me with any questions.

I want to thank you for the opportunity to earn your business, and I look forward to working with you. I’ll be in touch next week to schedule a time for our next meeting.


Letter #2:
Your response to my suggestion was encouraging. Thank you for taking the time to point out both the positive and negative sides. I am glad to have a manager who can respond with such insight. You are correct in pointing out that being first to the market is our primary objective. I am confident that our combined efforts will give us a technical edge over our competitors.

برای پاسخ کسی متشکرم

Letter #3:
Thank you for your prompt response to the questions raised at the Doe family reunion. We are especially grateful to receive the information about the nineteenth century relationships that helped solved problems on the Doe pedigree chart. It was also good to receive a copy of great great grandfather’s Civil War history. I think everyone who attended the reunion will be happy to get this interesting information.

At the next reunion we will give you time to describe your research. Several of our family members are anxious to help. We are fortunate to have such a dedicated researcher with us.

Letter #4:
I appreciate your prompt response to our request for extra security during the governor’s visit. We will all rest easier during the ceremony, knowing that we have adequate security for the governor and his staff. I know I speak for all the faculty and students when I thank you for your quick action. We look forward to your joining us for the big event.

چطور از دیگران تشکر کنیم ؟ممنونم، متشکرم، سپاسگزارم

Letter #5:
Thank you so much for your prompt response to the resume I sent you last week. Job hunting can get very discouraging; it’s good to know that someone out there is actually reading my letters. Although you don’t have any openings for someone with my skills right now, I hope you will keep my resume in case of future openings. Thanks so much for your time and attention. I hope we may have a chance soon to meet personally and discuss my qualifications and experience.


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