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نامه هشدار به توزیع کننده

متن درباره نامه هشدار به توزیع کننده.توزیع کننده را تحت نظارت خود ببندید.. تذکر دادن به توزیع کننده تحت نظارت

Warn a distributor under your supervision

Letter #1:
You may recall that our distributor agreement states in Section A (2), that to qualify as a distributor you must maintain an average of at least 50 cases of tennis balls in stock. A review of your last four months’ orders shows that you are averaging only 35 cases. There may be some reason for this, including a simple misunderstanding of the terms of our agreement. However, in order to keep your distributorship, you must increase your stock to 50 cases this month.

I hope you are able to comply. I have enclosed an order form for your convenience. If there is any problem, please let me know. Doe Corporation does not want to lose you as a distributor.

نامه هشدار به توزیع کننده

Letter #2:
I enjoyed our discussion in January about increasing the circulation of our text from 200 to 250 upper division institutions. As I understand it, circulation remains constant at 200. I feel six months is ample time to engage 50 more universities or junior colleges. If you wish to continue your current contract, please send me a list of 50 additional upper division institutions that will use the text. I need the information by the end of July. Thank you for your quick response.

Letter #3:
In order to maintain the terms of our contract, you must sell a minimum of forty cosmetic items a month. Your charts indicate that you sold fifteen items in March and twelve in April. Obviously, this is well below the agreed contract terms. If you are unable to raise your sales, we will terminate your contract.

Please respond immediately by increasing your sales this month!

هشدار به انبارداران و توزیع کنندگان

Letter #4:
As you realize, the terms of your contract indicate that every six months you must locate one major vendor with the ability to sell 1,000 units within five months. You have not complied with these terms for the past year. As a result, you position as a distributor is in jeopardy. Locate a vendor within three months or we will have no choice but to regard your inaction as a breach of contract. We sincerely hope you are able to resolve this matter speedily and successfully.

پاسخ به اتهام دروغ

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