پرش به محتوا

Announce a bad weather or civil emergency policy

Letter #1:
In the event that our area experiences severe weather or other emergency conditions, your immediate supervisor will notify you by telephone if you are not to report for work. If you receive no call, and are still concerned, listen to radio ABCD, 1170 AM for information every thirty minutes on the hour and half hour.

If the highway patrol considers conditions too hazardous for safe travel, we will close the office. However, if the office is open, we expect employees to make every effort to be at work. We consider time missed when the office is officially open as employee’s personal time off. If you have questions regarding this policy, please speak to your immediate supervisor.

Letter #2:
In the event of bad weather or other emergency, be advised that Doe Corporation announces company closings or delayed openings on radio station ABCD, 1170 AM. The station has agreed to make public service announcements every half hour, as needed. We recommend that you keep a battery operated radio handy for emergency situations, so you will always be able to hear the announcements.

If we close or delay opening due to bad weather or emergency, company policy is to compensate employees for lost time. However, we expect you to return to work when we reopen. If you are ever unsure, call your supervisor so we do not penalize you for missing a day.

Letter #3:
We have organized a “telephone tree” for employee notification in case of adverse weather or other dangerous conditions. If there is a delay or closure of the plant, your immediate supervisor will telephone you.

No telephone call means no delay or closure. In the event of confirmed telephone failure, your absence will be excused. Please review the attached “telephone tree” diagram and direct any questions to John Doe.

Letter #4:
As winter approaches, we want to remind you of our policy regarding absence due to severe weather conditions. Now is a good time to prepare your car for safe travel in winter weather; our employees’ safety is our greatest concern. We have rarely found it necessary to close our offices completely, however, we have done so when road conditions are too hazardous for travel. If you are unsure about whether to report to work you may call our employee hotline at 555-5555. We will provide information concerning company hours In the case of severe weather or any other emergency. Employees are expected to be at work when the office is officially open; if you are unable to be at work you must notify your supervisor that you are taking personal leave.


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